Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Moray, S.; D'Antonio, M.; Patil, Y.; MacDougall, A. (Energy Systems Laboratory (; Texas A&M University (, 2005)
      The U.S. Department of Energy has been developing a suite of analytical tools to assess various technologies present in industrial facilities of which AIRMaster+ is a fairly recent addition. AIRMaster+ is a Windows-based ...
    • D'Antonio, M.; Epstein, G.; Moray, S.; Schmidt, C. (Energy Systems Laboratory (; Texas A&M University (, 2005)
      The use of compressed air is widespread throughout every sector of industry and acts as a primary energy source for many industrial applications. Compressed air systems are as essential a utility as electricity, gas, or ...
    • Moray, S.; Throop, N.; Seryak, J.; Schmidt, C.; Fisher, C.; D'Antonio, M. (Energy Systems Laboratory (; Texas A&M University (, 2006)
    • Dixon, R.; McCowan, B.; Drake, L.; Epstein, G.; D'Antonio, M.; Moray, S. (Texas A&M University (; Energy Systems Laboratory (, 2006)