Now showing items 1-19 of 19

    • Abbott, Kevin Toney (2009-06-02)
      In recent years, new approaches to the problem of Automated Target Recognition using techniques of shape theory and algebraic geometry have been explored. The power of this shape theoretic approach is that it allows one ...
    • Grimley, Lauren Elizabeth (2016-04-08)
      The Hochschild cohomology of an associative algebra is a Gerstenhaber algebra, having a graded ring structure given by the cup product and a compatible graded Lie algebra structure given by the Gerstenhaber bracket. The ...
    • Celik, Mehmet (2010-01-16)
      This dissertation consists of three parts. In the
    • Shroff, Piyush (2012-10-19)
      In this dissertation we prove nite generation of the cohomology of quotients of a PBW algebra denoted by A by relating it to the cohomology of quotients of a quantum symmetric algebra denoted by S which is isomorphic to ...
    • Oeding, Luke (2010-07-14)
      The variety of principal minors of nxn symmetric matrices, denoted Zn, can be described naturally as a projection from the Lagrangian Grassmannian. Moreover, Zn is invariant under the action of a group G C GL(2n) isomorphic ...
    • Qi, Yang (2013-07-17)
      Due to the exponential growth of the dimension of the space of tensors V_(1)⊗• • •⊗V_(n), any naive method of representing these tensors is intractable on a computer. In practice, we consider feasible subspaces ...
    • Tohaneanu, Stefan Ovidiu (Texas A&M University, 2007-09-17)
      This dissertation uses methods from homological algebra and computational commutative algebra to study four problems. We use Hilbert function computations and classical homology theory and combinatorics to answer questions ...
    • Ye, Ke (2012-10-19)
      We study the geometry of immanants, which are polynomials on n^2 variables that are defined by irreducible representations of the symmetric group Sn. We compute stabilizers of immanants in most cases by computing Lie ...
    • Lu, Ming (2014-12-06)
      The primary goal of this research is to develop statistical methods to determine if observed real responses are adequately modeled by (possibly stochastic) simulation models that incorporate first-order autoregressive ...
    • Porter, Curtis Wade (2016-06-03)
      We apply E. Cartan’s method of equivalence to classify 7-dimensional, 2-nondegenerate CR manifolds M up to local CR equivalence in the case that the cubic form of M satisfies a certain symmetry property with respect to the ...
    • Decker, Marvin Glen (2009-06-02)
      In topology loop spaces can be understood combinatorially using algebraic theories. This approach can be extended to work for certain model structures on categories of presheaves over a site with functorial unit interval ...
    • Gustafson, Paul Prem (2018-08-02)
      This thesis solves the following question posed by Etingof, Rowell, and Witherspoon: Are the images of mapping class group representations associated to the modular category Mod-D^w (G) always finite? We answer this question ...
    • Magalhaes, Fellipe Vieira (2009-06-02)
      In low-permeability gas reservoirs, horizontal wells have been used to increase the reservoir contact area, and hydraulic fracturing has been further extending the contact between wellbores and reservoirs. This thesis ...
    • Buczynska, Weronika J. (2010-10-12)
      We define the phylogenetic model of a trivalent graph as a generalization of a binary symmetric model of a trivalent phylogenetic tree. If the underlining graph is a tree, the model has a parametrization that can be expressed ...
    • McDonald, Terry Lynn (Texas A&M University, 2006-08-16)
      Splines are piecewise polynomial functions of a given order of smoothness r on a triangulated region (or polyhedrally subdivided region) of Rd. The set of splines of degree at most k forms a vector space Crk() Moreover, a ...
    • Farnsworth, Cameron Lee (2016-05-18)
      The symmetric rank of a polynomial P is the minimum number of d-th powers of linear forms necessary to sum to P. Questions pertaining to the rank and decomposition of symmetric forms or polynomials are of classic interest. ...
    • Yang, Haibo (2009-05-15)
      If G is a nite group and if X is a G-space, then a Bredon RO(G)-graded equivariantcohomology theory is dened on X. Furthermore, if X is a G-manifold, thereexists a natural Čech hypercohomology theory on X. While Bredon ...
    • Nguyen, Van Cat (2014-06-19)
      Let A be a finite dimensional Hopf algebra over a field k. In this dissertation, we study the Tate cohomology Ĥ* (A, k) and Tate-Hochschild cohomology (HH) ̂* (A, A) of A, and their properties. We introduce cup products ...
    • Thomas, Andre; Lima-Filho, Paulo; Pederson, Susan; Ramadan, Hadeel; Bologan, Anatol (Triseum, 2017-01-09)
      Variant: Limits is a research based educational game designed to help students more easily understand and master abstract concepts related to limits, limit laws, asymptotes and concepts of infinity. Players will see the ...