Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Talluri, Rajesh (2012-10-19)
      We propose Bayesian methods for estimating the precision matrix in Gaussian graphical models. The methods lead to sparse and adaptively shrunk estimators of the precision matrix, and thus conduct model selection and ...
    • Barney, Bradley (2012-10-19)
      We present techniques for joint modeling of binomial and rank response data using the Bayesian paradigm for inference. The motivating application consists of results from a series of assessments on several primate species. ...
    • Baladandayuthapani, Veerabhadran (Texas A&M University, 2007-04-25)
      This work is directed towards developing flexible Bayesian statistical methods in the semi- and nonparamteric regression modeling framework with special focus on analyzing data from biological and genetic experiments. This ...
    • Baladandayuthapani, Veerabhadran; Talluri, Rajesh; Ji, Yuan; Coombes, Kevin; Lu, Yiling; Hennessy, Bryan; Davies, Michael; Mallick, Bani (The Annals of Applied Statistics, 2014)
    • McGuffey, Elizabeth Jennings (2015-04-16)
      This dissertation focuses on methodology to integrate multiplatform genomic data with cancer applications. Such integration facilitates the discovery of biological information crucial to the development of targeted treatments. ...