Now showing items 293-312 of 346

    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Sida ciliaris, a perennial flowering plant from the Mallow family found on sand or clayey loams in prairies, openings, and waste places.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Sisyrinchium (also known as grass violet or blue-eyed grass), a perennial or annual flowering plant from the Iris family found in various places of the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Three color photographs of Solanum elaeagnifolium, (also known as silverleaf nightshade), a perennial flowering plant from the Nightshade family found in prairies, openings, waste places, and fields.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Three color photographs of Solanum triquetrum, (also known as tomatillo), a perennial flowering plant from the Nightshade family found in pastures, woods, and waste places.
    • Sonchus 
      Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Sonchus (also known as sow thistle), an annual flowering plant from the Aster family found in fields, waste places, prairies, and openings of the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Four color photographs of Sophora secundiflora, (also known as Texas mountain-laurel), an evergreen shrub or small tree from the Pea family found on caliche ridges north and west of Mathis and along bluffs and ravines.
    • Gambini, Roberto (Texas A&M University Press, 2003)
    • Hofsommer, Don L. (2008-10-21)
    • Spartina 
      Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Spartina, a plant from the Grass family.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Sphaeralcea angustifolia.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Sphaeralcea hastulata (also known as globe mallow), a perennial flowering plant from the Mallow family found on heavier sands or clay in openings and waste places.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Sphaeralcea lindheimeri (also known as globe mallow), a perennial flowering plant from the Mallow family found on deep sands both inland and along the coast.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Sphaeralcea pedatifida (also known as globe mallow),a perennial flowering plant from the Mallow family found on sand in prairies and openings.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Spiranthes vernalis, (also known as ladies tresses), a perennial flowering plant from the Orchid family found in moist low grounds along the coast from Aransas Refuge to Flour Bluff and the barrier islands.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Sporobolus, a plant from the Grass family.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Three color photographs of Stachys drummondii (also known as hedge nettle), an annual-biennial flowering plant from the Mint family found on various soils in pastures and woods.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Stellaria prostrata (also known as prostrate starwort), an annual flowering plant from the Caryophyllaceae family found in pastures and woods of the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Four color photographs of Stillingia treculiana, a perennial flowering plant from the Spurge family found in Kleberg County and Duval County.
    • Woodman, Marion (Texas A&M University Press, 1994)
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Four color photographs of Strophostyles helvula, (also known as wild bean), an annual vine from the Pea family found on the barrier islands and along bay beaches.