Now showing items 2-21 of 80

    • Rao, Ranjani (Media Rise Publications; Texas A & M University. Libraries, )
      How I discovered writing inspiration in my familiar neighborhood during a pandemic
    • Ramadurai, Charukesi (Media Rise Publications; Texas A & M University. Libraries, )
      When social distancing is a byword, apartment balconies serve as windows to the world.
    • Shetty, Anupkumar (2020-06-08)
      Staying busy practicing gratitude, mindful breathing, meditation, prayer, reading, writing and other activities you like are ways to be unconditionally happy and stress-free in life.
    • Oh, David C. (Media Rise Publications; Texas A & M University. Libraries, )
      COVID-19's spread has made my racially marked body the symbol of the disease.
    • Aswad, Noor Ghazal (2020-06-05)
      I reflect on the shifting nature of how refugees are rhetorically constituted in the disjunctive world of the contagion, intertwined with my own musings on my doctoral journey as a British-Syrian immigrant. I argue that ...
    • Kim, Viktoriya; Babovic, Aleksandra (Media Rise Publications; Texas A & M University. Libraries, )
      This op-ed introduces how people, who stayed in Japan on short-term visa ended up living in one of the Tokyo international airports, as their flights back to Russia were cancelled and the help they received from local ...
    • Kannikeswaran, Kanniks (Media Rise Publications; Texas A & M University. Libraries, )
      The quarantine silences our collective musical voice, but a bright world awaits us.
    • Castañeda, Mari (2020-06-08)
      The essay describes a media collective effort that is providing Spanish-language and bilingual information about COVID-19 to Latinx communities, especially regarding health and safety.
    • Jose, Sindhu (Media Rise Publications; Texas A & M University. Libraries, )
      How effective communication, care, compassion, and a system in place had transformed one small Indian state's fight against COVID-19.
    • Imam, Zeba (2020-06-06)
      Connecting through Physical Distance are personal reflections of how the lockdown proved to be an enforced time-out to grapple with some troubling emotions and leading me on a path of reconnection with the self and others.
    • Frank, Russell (2020-06-05)
      I compare my situation during lockdown with that of a young Afghan named Morteza, who has been living in a refugee camp in northern Greece since 2016.
    • Larson, Jared D. (2020-06-08)
      Our collective ignorance of the underlying structure of liberal democracy endangers democracy itself; the actions of many democratic governments around the world in the age of the Coronavirus exacerbate this threat.
    • Sastry, Shaunak (2020-06-08)
      The author documents his life from December through May through a series of diary entries from China, India, and the United States.
    • Oko, Arua; Chukwu, Joseph (2020-05-30)
      This essay demonstrates how cultural practices in some areas run in conflict with government policies on the control of the spread of COVID-19.
    • Dave, Nalini M. (Media Rise Publications; Texas A & M University. Libraries, )
      How faith in God can help you make the best of a difficult situation
    • Khatib, Maissa (2020-05-30)
      My story of quarantining across borders has opened a can of worms and has helped me to reflect deeply, to face my old fears and sorrows, clearing the way to change my hamster-wheel daily life and cross various borders in ...
    • Kanemoto, Emi; Allgayer, Sasha (2020-05-30)
      We reflect on our experiences with (not)wearing masks within different cultures and how these experiences have shifted across borders and time.
    • Kovalyova, Natalia (2020-06-08)
      This essay describes a transfer of survival and coping strategies developed under one type of crisis (a demise of a political system) to the situation of the pandemic and shelter-in-place orders.
    • Malik, Parul (2020-06-06)
      This is a reflection on home cooking, and how it intersects with gender, class, education.
    • Eyeliner 
      Mark, Lauren (Texas A & M University. Libraries, )
      This piece is an invitation into one woman’s navigations of COVID-19 alongside the threat and manifestations of viral racism as a U.S. based Asian woman.