Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Hartberg, Yasha (2021-01-25)
      These are the notes for my introductory lecture in VIBS 658, Research Methods in Science and Technology Journalism. Aside from covering the learning objectives and mechanics of the course, we begin the class with a discussion ...
    • Hartberg, Yasha (2020-01-12)
    • Hartberg, Yasha (2019-05-31)
      Students in STEM disciplines often make it to their senior years in college with no clear concept of how scholarly knowledge is generated. They see science as a collection of facts to be memorized rather than as a process ...
    • Hartberg, Yasha (2021-01-25)
      Many of the peculiarities of scientific discourse only make sense in light of how scientists generate new knowledge. Therefore, I begin VIBS 310: Biomedical Writing with a discussion of scientific epistemology.