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dc.creatorLee, Dong Joon
dc.creatorStvilia, Besiki
dc.identifier.citationLee DJ, Stvilia B (2017) Practices of research data curation in institutional repositories: A qualitative view from repository staff. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0173987. pone.0173987en
dc.description.abstractThe importance of managing research data has been emphasized by the government, funding agencies, and scholarly communities. Increased access to research data increases the impact and efficiency of scientific activities and funding. Thus, many research institutions have established or plan to establish research data curation services as part of their Institutional Repositories (IRs). However, in order to design effective research data curation services in IRs, and to build active research data providers and user communities around those IRs, it is essential to study current data curation practices and provide rich descriptions of the sociotechnical factors and relationships shaping those practices. Based on 13 interviews with 15 IR staff members from 13 large research universities in the United States, this paper provides a rich, qualitative description of research data curation and use practices in IRs. In particular, the paper identifies data curation and use activities in IRs, as well as their structures, roles played, skills needed, contradictions and problems present, solutions sought, and workarounds applied. The paper can inform the development of best practice guides, infrastructure and service templates, as well as education in research data curation in Library and Information Science (LIS) schools.en
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesen
dc.subjectResearch dataen
dc.subjectResearch data curationen
dc.subjectInstitutional repositoriesen
dc.subjectQualitative studyen
dc.subjectPractice of research data curationen
dc.titlePractices of research data curation in institutional repositories: A qualitative view from repository staffen
local.departmentUniversity Librariesen

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