Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • White, Becky Cox (1982)
      Autonomy is generally diminished within society. The effects of this diminution are examined in two groups: hospitalized patients and hospital nurses. Hospitalized patients experience reduced or absent autonomy as a result ...
    • Mobley, Michele Anne (1987)
      The American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce has come to be regarded as one of the founding fathers of modern day logic. One of his most original contributions is the logical system called existential graphs. Through ...
    • Hall, R. Jordan (1994)
      This circuitous route seems to have danced neatly around the question: What is the nature of Marxist socialism? What is the nature of the Nietzschean Aristocratic Radicalism? Very well, then, let me answer Marxist socialism ...
    • Lewis, David M., II (1996)
      This research is an attempt to shed light on a serious difficulty for contemporary physicalism. The methodological approach includes both historical critique and logical analysis. The first section shows that one type of ...
    • Rudd, Terry (1983)
      What is the relation of mind to body? Are there separate entities called "mind" and "body," or is there only one kind of substance of which they are manifestations. If so, what is that one kind of substance? These are the ...
    • Dick, Edward Lewis (1983)
      The United Methodist Church provides a model for understanding the relationship between theology, institutional structure and behaviour. Following the World Council of Church's meeting in Mexico, 1963, the Church followed ...
    • Sommerfield, David A. (1986)
      The subject of this paper is the relationship of the Bolsheviks and peasantry between 1903 and 1921 with a special focus on the period known as the Russian Revolution. Included in the paper is a discussion of the role of ...
    • Runkle, Ryan C. (1997)
      The word morality surfaces frequently in the arena of political debate. It carries amazing power and influence, but is often misused and abused. This paper attempts to apply Dr. Bernard Gert's moral theory in an evaluation ...