Detailed Stringency Analysis of Suggested Amendements to Chapter ll of the 2012 IRC and the 2012 IECC that were Submitted to SECO During March 30-April 30, 2012 Comment Period

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Energy Systems Laboratory


In 2007, the 80th legislature mandated the Energy Systems Laboratory (Laboratory) to take part in Texas rule-making process. As detailed in the Health and Safety Code, Chapter 388, Texas Building Energy Performance Standards, Sec. 388.003 (b-1), the Laboratory is required to submit written recommendations to the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) on whether the energy efficiency provisions of the latest published editions of the International Residential Code (IRC) or the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) for residential or commercial energy efficiency and air quality are equivalent to or more stringent than the provisions of editions previously adopted as the Texas Building Energy Performance Standards (TBEPS). As according to the Health and Safety Code, Section 388.003 (b-3), the Laboratory is also mandated to consider all the comments collected by SECO from persons who have an interest in the adoption of energy codes on the new code editions. This report includes a detailed analysis of the suggested amendments to Chapter 11 of the 2012 IRC and Chapter 4 of the 2012 IECC that were submitted to SECO during the March 30-April 30, 2012 comment period. The suggested amendments were compared to the TBEPS compliant base-case building. The suggested amendments were also compared to the 2012 code compliant base-case building. The analysis was conducted using Version 4.01.08 of the BDL input file prepared for the IC3. The performance path as described in 20093 and 2012 IECC was used for the analysis. Eight such suggested amendments were received and are described in the next section.


