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dc.creatorMoore, William
dc.identifier.otherAntiquities Permit 4813
dc.identifier.otherBVRA Project 08-02
dc.description.abstractAn archaeological survey of two proposed natural gas well sites (2.5 acres each) on the Eastham State Prison Farm Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in southwest Houston County, Texas was performed by Brazos Valley Research Associates (BVRA) on February 18, 2008 under antiquities permit 4813. The areas were investigated through a 100% Pedestrian Survey and backhoe trenching. The 7-1 well site was very far from a water source and is a very unlikely setting for a prehistoric site. One backhoe trench was dug to two meters through heavy clay, and the results were negative. No surface evidence of a prehistoric or historic site was observed at either well location during the Pedestrian Survey that was hampered because of standing water from recent thunderstorms. At the A-1 well site, five backhoe trenches were dug to depths of 1.5 meters to 2 meters below the ground surface at which point they were terminated when standing water was encountered. Although the project area at the A-1 well site is on an elevated landform above a fairly large creek, no evidence of prehistoric occupation was found. BVRA believes the reason for this is the shallow loamy soils overlying very firm clay. In this area of Texas, prehistoric camps are typically found on sandy hills and terraces. The entire area had been plowed by inmates housed at the prison. Therefore, should any cultural materials be present in the shallow sandy mantle they would have been disturbed by this activity. No archaeological sites were found, and no artifacts were collected. Further work is not warranted.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesContract reports (Brazos Valley Research Associates);193
dc.subjectTexas archeologyen
dc.subjectTexas archaeologyen
dc.subjectarcheological reports for Texasen
dc.subjectarchaeological reports for Texasen
dc.subjectBrazos Valley Research Associatesen
dc.subjectHouston County, Texasen
dc.titleAn Archaeological Survey for the Eastham State Prison Farm A-1 and 7-1 Well Locations in Houston County Texasen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten

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