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dc.creatorBurger, J.
dc.identifier.otherLocation of the original: consult with Collections Manager
dc.descriptionTRANSCRIPTION; MESSAGE: M. Lieben. Teile Euch nur eben mit, dass ich von Fritz heute eine Karte erhalten habe. Geschrieben am 8. ds. Mts. und abgestempelt am 10. ds. Mts. Ist also nicht lange unterwegs gewesen. Es geht Ihm noch gut. Hat bis jetzt noch ... kein Paketchen von mir erhalten. Schade! Sonst nichts weiter von Bedeutung. Hat Mutter mein schwarz weisses Kleid noch nicht fortgeschickt? Mir gehts noch gut, Euch hoffentlich auch? Herzl. Gruss Eure Gertrud. In Eile!; SENT TO: [An] Herrn [A.?] Hornseck, Dortmund, Kö rnebackstr. 1, (b. Firm. Aug. Klö nne). Dolberg, den 14. April 1916.en
dc.descriptionTRANSLATION; MESSAGE: My dears, just letting you know that I got a post card from Fritz today. Written on the 8th of this month, postmarked on the 10th. So not long in coming. He's still doing well. Still didn't get any package from me. Too bad! Otherwise nothing of importance. Did mother send my black and white dress yet? I'm okay, and you too I hope? Sincere greetings from your Gertrud Written in a hurry!; SENT TO: To Mr. [A.?] Hornseck, Dortmund, Kö rnebackstr. 1, (care of Aug. Klö nne Company). Dolberg, 14 April 1916.en
dc.description.abstract(Color) This postcard is a painting of several soldiers on the battlefield firing cannons at Reims, the burning town. The stamp reads "German Empire" and costs 5 pfennings. On the top left corner of the back is a picture of von Einem. The card was inscribed and posted, and all writing on the back is in German.en
dc.format.extent3 1/2 x 5 7/16 in.en
dc.publisherFarbenphotogr. Gesellschaft (Color Photograph Society) (Stuttgart (Europe, Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart district))
dc.relation.ispartofWWI Postcard Collection, Ragan Military Collectionen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesF Ph G 3436 Serie 92
dc.rightsNo copyright - Non-commercial use only; for more information see:
dc.subjectWorld War (1914-1918)en
dc.subjectEinem, Karl vonen
dc.subjectcannons (artillery)en
dc.titleBeschiessung v. Reims durch die Armee des Generaloberst von Einemen
dc.title.alternativeBombardment v. Rheims by the army of Colonel General von Einemen
dc.type.genrePersonal correspondenceen
dc.publisher.digitalCushing Memorial Library and Archives
local.detailsThis collection previously belonged to Dominic Hibberd, an English biographer most noted for the biographies of Wilfred Owen and Harold Monro, World War I poets. He collected these postcards for research purposes.

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