Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Karadag, Tekin (2016-08-05)
      In this thesis, our main aims are expressing some strong relations between modular forms, Hecke operators, and L-functions. We start with background information for modular forms and give some information about the linear ...
    • Lutes, Brad Aubrey (2010-10-12)
      Let K be the function field of an irreducible, smooth projective curve X defined over Fq. Let [lemniscate] be a fixed point on X and let A [a subset of or is equal to] K be the Dedekind domain of functions which are regular ...
    • Ganguly, Soumendra (2023-08-02)
      Let φ be the symmetric-square lift of an SL2(Z) Hecke-Maass form. Let q be an odd cube-free positive integer, and let χ be a primitive Dirichlet character modulo q such that χ is not quadratic. Let f be an even Hecke-normalized ...
    • Garcia, Bradford Alexander (2022-07-28)
      We compute the second moment of Dirichlet L-functions along a coset at the central point, achieving an asymptotic result in the q-aspect.