Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Podliska, Bradley Florian (2009-06-02)
      The premise of this dissertation is straight-forward – the U.S., as hegemon, acts unilaterally given the power disparity between it and the rest of the world. In solving the puzzle of why presidents make the “wrong” ...
    • Hoekstra, Mark; Sloan, CarlyWill (Private Enterprise Research Center, Texas A&M University; Texas A&M University. Library, 2020-04-30)
      What role does race have in cases of police use of force? This issue of PERCspectives on Research summarizes the paper by Rex B. Grey Professor Mark Hoekstra and Graduate Student Fellow CarlyWill Sloan, which examines how ...
    • Hoekstra, Mark; Sloan, CarlyWill (Private Enterprise Research Center, Texas A&M University; Texas A&M University. Library, 2020-03-10)
      While there is much concern about the role of race in police use of force, identifying causal effects is difficult. This is in part because of selection, and in part because researchers often observe only interactions ...