Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Faloon, Anna Elizabeth (2015-12-16)
      The engineering design discipline of hydrology and hydraulics has, for the past several decades, been largely based on probabilistic design techniques involving recurrence interval storm and flood events. The engineering ...
    • Jacewitz, Stefan A. (2010-10-12)
      This dissertation collects two papers regarding the econometric and economic theory and testing of the predictability of asset returns. It is widely accepted that stock returns are not only predictable but highly so. This ...
    • Zhang, Jingjie (2020-11-18)
      Gaussian processes (GPs) are widely used in geospatial analysis, machine learning and many application areas. We propose novel scalable methods to tackle two problems in Gaussian process modeling for large spatial datasets. In ...
    • Jorgensen, Savannah K. (2022-04-08)
      Rainfall that occurs at the tails of the precipitation distribution are considered to be the extremes, which are of critical importance for regional flood planning and infrastructure design. Previously, a stationary climate ...
    • Xie, Shuilian (2021-05-18)
      The standard assumption in classification is that the training data are independent and identically distributed. Indeed, this assumption is so pervasive that it is often applied without mention. In this dissertation, we ...