Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Junnutula, Meghanath Reddy (2015-07-30)
      Fantasy sports, a medium that engrosses millions of players around the world, increases the player’s expertise and understanding about the domain of the sport. Prediction games, based on the gameplay model of fantasy sports, ...
    • Kulkarni, Akshay (2016-05-05)
      The popularity of prediction games such as fantasy sports has been on the rise and the amount of data available for the players to make the prediction in such games is growing rapidly. Prediction games, an area of data ...
    • Dzodom, Gabriel Serge (2020-10-28)
      Prediction games, data-driven games modeled after fantasy sports, are aimed to motivate people to explore, analyze, and develop their own understanding of large data sets. They revolve around activities where players ...
    • Gargate, Rohit (2013-07-25)
      Climate change is an important issue for public policy. Unfortunately, although there are volumes of data about climate change, many members of the public are informed about the issue by politicized interpretations of the ...