Now showing items 41-60 of 1548

    • Bell, Jourdan; Naylor, Carla; Heflin, Kevin; Sirmon, Preston; Schnell, Ronnie; Horn, Katrina; Pineiro, Juan; Banta, Jason; Smith, Jason (Texas A&M AgriLife Soil and Crop Science Department; Texas A&M University. Library, )
    • Bell, Jourdan; Trostle, Calvin (Texas A&M AgriLife Soil and Crop Science Department; Texas A&M University. Library, )
    • Bell, Jourdan (Texas A&M AgriLife Soil and Crop Science Department; Texas A&M University. Library, )
    • Unknown author (Cushing Memorial Library and Archives, 2012-03-05)
      (Black and White) This postcard is a photograph of twenty-seven soldiers and a dog. This card is uninscribed and unposted.
    • Gibbs, Pete G.; Davison, Karen E. (AgriLife Extension, Texas A&M University System; Texas A&M University. Libraries, )
      Success at breeding and raising young race prospects depends a great deal on the reproductive performance of brood mares. Many brood mare owners go to considerable effort in breeding mares so that they will foal at the ...
    • Harding, Tucker
      In today’s social and cultural climate, students spend less time outside in the natural environment. This can be partially attributed a heavier reliance on cars and busses for transportation, greater distances between ...
    • Spurgin, Fred (Art and Humour Publishing Co. (London (Europe, United Kingdom, England, Greater London)); Cushing Memorial Library and Archives, 2012-03-05)
      (Color) Ornate lettering of a love poem accompanies an image of a soldier thinking of a young woman, presumably "back home." The postcard writer (Fred) writes on the front "Farewell Try to cheer up little girl x x x x x." ...
    • Rettenmaier, Andrew J.; Saving, Thomas R. (Private Enterprise Research Center, Texas A&M University; Texas A&M University. Library, 2015-01-01)
    • Acacia 
      Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Acacia, an evergreen or deciduous shrub or perennial from the Pea family found in the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Acacia berlandieri, (also known as guajillo), an evergreen shrub or small tree from the Pea family found on caliche ridges and in brushy pastures on sandy loam or clay.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Acacia greggii, (also known as catclaw), a deciduous shrub or small tree from the Pea family found on dry loams or caliche, mostly on slopes and ridges or along ravines and bluffs.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Acacia minuata, (also known as huisache), an evergreen shrub or tree from the Pea family found on poorly drained or low grounds, mostly in pastures and woods and along streams.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Three color photographs of Acacia rigidula, (also known as blackbrush), a semi-evergreen shrub or tree from the Pea family found in brushy thickets on various soils.
    • Acalypha 
      Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Acalypha, an annual or perennial from the Spurge family found on sandy soils.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Oen color photograph of Acleisanthes obtusa.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Four color photographs of Acourtia runcinata (also known as featherleaf desertpeony), a perennial flowering plant from the Aster family found in the shaded areas of well-drained loams or caliche.
    • Dorsett, Donald J. (AgriLife Extension, Texas A&M University System; Texas A&M University. Libraries, )
    • Claussen, Ty D.
      A prefabricated assembly that can adapt to the family's changing needs
    • Bell, Jourdan; Dotray, Peter; Grichar, James (Texas A&M AgriLife Soil and Crop Science Department; Texas A&M University. Library, )
    • Haskell, Andrew; Lee, Ryang-Hwa; Kaunas, Roland; Gregory, Carl (Don & Ellie Knauss Veteran Resource & Support Center; Texas A&M University. Library, 2023)
      Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) exhibit characteristics that make them ideal to treat a variety of disorders