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Energy Use and Design Options for Texas State Buildings
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Energy Systems Laboratory (, Texas A&M University
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University
In 1984, the Office of Governor in the State of Texas, working through
the Energy Efficiency Division of the Public Utility Commission, instituted
a program to reduce the energy costs in state owned buildings. One
facet of this program was the reduction of energy use of all new buildings
constructed for state agencies. The first phase of this program was to
estimate the energy use of new buildings corresponding to current construction
practices in state facilities and to make recommendations for
improvements. This phase also included an evaluation of how building
standards might impact the energy use of new construction. The second
phase includes the development and implementation of energy standards
for all new construction. It should be noted that the report does not
investigate the economic impact of the proposed changes.
This report summarizes the first phase of the program to reduce energy
use in proposed new construction in state-owned buildings. The
Energy Systems Group of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at
Texas A&M University worked jointly with the Energy Management Center
(EMC) of the Governor's Office (formerly the Energy Efficiency Division of
the Public Utility Commission) and the State Purchasing and General Services
Commission (SPGSC). A total of six buildings were analyzed. One
of the buildings had just been completed when this project was initiated
in 1986. The other five buildings were in various design phases.
Public Utility Commission, energy efficiency