1988 Beijing Survey



This data set provides the results of a 1988 survey centered on the political views and behavior of Beijing residents. The survey was conducted by Tianjian Shi of Duke University and has a total of 786 respondents. Shi (1997, 25-26) describes the data in the following terms: "The population sampled in this study is the total of noninstitutionalized residents aged eighteen or older residing in family households and living in the eight urban districts of Beijing - the capital of the People's Republic of China. A stratified multistage sampling procedure with probabilities proportional to size measures (PPS) was employed to select the sample. The primary sampling units were street offices (jiedaobanshichu). The secondary sampling units were neighborhood committees (juweihui). Family households were used at the third stage. After the households were selected, interviewers were instructed to use random tables developed by Leslie Kish to choose respondents within each family."

