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Simulation Support for Optimizing the Design and Operation of a Large Open-Space Office Building
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Energy Systems Laboratory (
This paper deals with design and post-design operational optimization studies for a new head office of a bank in Prague. The building can be characterized as a large open space office building. During the design phase computational modeling and simulation was used to predict the performance of various design alternatives with respect to reducing the required cooling capacity, in order to verify the fan-coil capacity sizing and to optimize the ventilation system and strategy of the atriums. Since the design included exposed concrete ceilings, the design intent was to use the building thermal mass for cooling load reduction and to employ a strategy for low-energy operation of the building. The maximum cooling demand for the initial design was estimated at 3 MW for the whole building. Computational simulations showed a potential reduction to 81 % of this value. Additional simulations helped designers to optimize the thermal comfort in the open corridors in relation to the roof glazing and the shading devices of the atria. During the commissioning process the simulation based performance predictions were checked.
During the first year of operation, various building control strategies were tested and optimized. Smoke tests, thermal comfort and draft measurements were carried out to verify the indoor environment. During the commissioning process the field tests identified various important issues related to the design of large open space office buildings. These are also presented in the paper.
Open Space Office Building, Computational Modeling and Simulation, Low-Energy Operation, Optimization