Symbolic diagnosis for intelligent control

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The results of research intended to create a symbolic diagnostician to support intelligent control of numerical processors and/or processes are reported. Example applications include real-time signal processors, industrial automation, and aerospace power systems. The approach is to create a generic, symbolic inference engine to interpret data from real-time numerical processes. The interpreted data are then utilized by companion symbolic and numeric modules resulting in a dynamic, intelligent real-time control architecture. General results are obtained while focusing research efforts on an initial target application-a software-intensive radio receiver/processor. Object-oriented programming techniques are used due to ease of knowledge engineering and potential parallels to hardware implementation.


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computerised signal processing, control engineering computing, knowledge engineering, object-oriented programming, symbol manipulation, telecommunications computing


Jowers, S., Painter, J.H. (1988). Symbolic diagnosis for intelligent control. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 1988: 280-285.