A Cultural Resources Survey for the Men Water Supply Corporation Proposed Water System Improvement Project in Central Navarro County, Texas
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The MEN Water Supply Corporation (WSC) – aka Client - proposes new construction that will improve its central water system in Navarro County, Texas. These improvements are a new elevated storage plant that includes a 200,000 gallon elevated storage tank, plant site improvements at two existing plants, and 22.77 miles of distribution line ranging in size from 3” to 10” in diameter. After a project review by the Archeology Division of the Texas Historical Commission, Ms. Rebecca Shelton requested that a Phase I archaeological survey be conducted. Jesse Todd, Project Archaeologist, performed the field survey on November 4-5, 2015. This investigation consisted of a 100% visual and pedestrian survey of the entire route and shovel testing at creek crossings, other high probability areas as determined in the field, and the site of the proposed storage tank. No cultural resource sites were found. Based on the results of this survey, it is recommended that no further cultural resource investigations are warranted and that the Client be allowed to proceed with construction as planned. If significant cultural resources not mentioned in this report are discovered during construction, work should cease in the area of the find and the Texas Historical Commission (THC) should be notified immediately. Copies of the final report will be submitted to the THC, Texas Archeological Research Laboratory (TARL), Texas StateLibrary, various libraries and research facilities, Brazos Valley Research Associates.
(BVRA), the Client, and J. F. Fontaine & Associates, Inc. The Antiquities Permit for this
project is 7453. The total area examined was 4.37 acres.
archeological reports for Texas, archaeological reports for Texas, archaeology, archeology, genealogy, Brazos Valley Research Associates, BVRA, Navarro County, Texas