Analysis of the Energy Savings Potential in K-5 Schools in Hot and Humid Climates

dc.creatorIm, P.
dc.creatorHaberl, J.
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the analysis of the energy savings potential in K-5 schools in hot and humid climates. For the analysis, an existing K-5 school in Central Texas was selected as a case study school, and the building energy related data and information were collected. Based on the information, an hourly building energy simulation was developed using the DOE-2 program and calibrated with the measured building energy use. This final calibrated simulation was modified to be compliant to the ASHRAE Standard 90.1-1999 in order to be used as a base-case school. Then, several energy efficient measures that are appropriate for the school buildings in hot and humid climates were identified from previous studies and applied to the base-case school simulation to estimate the energy savings potential. The measures include high R-values for walls and roofs, high performance glazing, T-5 or T-8 fluorescent lamps, occupancy sensors for lighting control, and high efficient chillers and boilers.en
dc.publisherEnergy Systems Laboratory (
dc.subjectEnergy Savings Potentialen
dc.subjectK-5 Schoolsen
dc.subjectCase Studyen
dc.titleAnalysis of the Energy Savings Potential in K-5 Schools in Hot and Humid Climatesen
