Texas A&M University Impact on the Local Economy: Events of June 2024

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2024-12-09, 9/19/2024

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Private Enterprise Research Center, Texas A&M University


June 2024 was a landmark month for College Station and Bryan, marked by several high-profile events that drew significant crowds and boosted the local economy, including a Brazil vs. Mexico soccer friendly and a concert held by country music artist George Strait. This report evaluates the economic impact of these events on the College Station-Bryan economy by focusing on taxable sales, hotel room revenues and mixed beverage sales for the month of June 2024. Together, these two cities make over 90% of taxable sales in Brazos County. Gross ticket sales and net revenue for the Brazil vs. Mexico game and George Strait concert are also shared.



Local economy, College Station-Bryan, concert, taxes, tax revenues, impact report, events
