Quality Assurance Project Plan for Computation of Creditable Statewide Emissions Reductions



The Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL) has prepared this Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) following EPA guidelines. The nature of the technical analysis and tasks to be conducted as part of this project are consistent with Quality Assurance (QA) Category III: Data Evaluation or Use for Secondary Purpose for projects involving applied research or technology evaluations as outlined in EPA’s NRMRL QAPP: Requirements for Secondary Data Projects. In the field of Renewable Energy (RE) that requires complex modeling of physical systems, a recognized method for improving model performance and realism is to run the model frequently and to compare its results with real observations. This method is used in the field of RE evaluations, and has resulted in great progress in measuring the savings from RE programs. The ESL has developed methods for calculating energy savings and NOx reductions from the renewable energy programs from multiple Texas state agencies working under Senate Bill-5 and Senate Bill-7. The purpose of this project is to calculate integrated NOx emission reductions from multiple state agencies participating in the Texas Emission Reduction Plan (TERP), and allowing TCEQ to consider the combined NOx savings for Texas’ State Implementation Plan (SIP) planning purposes.

