Effects of Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) Procedures on Special Education Students

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Several research studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of check-in/ check-out (CICO) procedures in behavior education programs (BEPs). However, little research has been conducted on implementing CICO procedures specifically for special education students. This study examined the effects of CICO procedures on six junior high students receiving special education services. Baseline data of targeted behaviors were collected during the first two weeks of the third six weeks grading period. The participants were receiving special education services due to a previous Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee decision. CICO procedures are part of a secondary level behavior support system typically found in the BEP. The CICO procedures include a morning check-in, teacher feedback on a daily behavior report card (DBRC), an afternoon check-out, and weekly parent notification of student performance. A token economy system and behavior team meetings are two components also involved in implementing the CICO procedures. Intervention data were collected during implementation of the CICO procedures during the remaining three weeks of the third six weeks grading period. The intervention was not implemented the last week of the grading period due to final exams. The CICO procedures had high social validity ratings. Reliability, limitations and implications for future research on the current study are discussed.



behavior education programs, admission, review and dismissal, daily behavior report card
