Intern experience at the Andersons: an internship report
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Texas A&M University
This report is a review of the author's year of experience as an intern
with The Andersons in Maumee, Ohio...The author's prime responsibility was in the area of
energy management for the company. An energy audit of The Andersons' Maumee complex was
performed to determine amounts of energy used and how it was used. A recommendations report
for a company-wide energy management program was presented to management. The intent of this
recommendations report was to develop a company energy policy, determine required manpower and
structure for a proposed energy department within the company, and develop a company-wide
energy conservation program. In addition, coordination and management of several energy
conservation projects was undertaken. Engineering projects other than energy management were
performed. These involved work associated with a survey of waste materials to insure
compliance with federal regulations on hazardous wastes; a study of the grain aeration system
at the Champaign elevator to evaluate a possible redesign; and engineering analyses of country
elevators being evaluated for lease under the company's Linkage Program. These projects
required a close working relationship with engineering, environmenetal protection,
maintenance, purchasing and accounting departments, as well as with operations personnel.
Thus, this internship position at The Andersons provided exposure to a various segments of the
company. This broad exposure to a variety of engineering problem areas provided a valuable
educational experience.
Includes author's vita
"Submitted to the College of Engineering of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Engineering."
Includes bibliographical references
"Submitted to the College of Engineering of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Engineering."
Includes bibliographical references
Major Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Engineering