R13-CBTS-SGL Binational Dashboard Website


Home page screen capture of the Binational Dashboard developed to fulfill the objectives of the R13 project: U.S.-Mexico Risk Taskforce to Support the Health Supply Chain Systems for Infrastructure and Workforce Threatened by the COVID-19 Pandemic. The dashboard supports the following objective: To develop a data-lake platform concentrating near real-time analytics following a Risk systems approach that can provide strategic information about the evolution of COVID-19 and related current and emerging threats, the state of vulnerability of the health supply chain systems, and the likely impacts a combination of these may cause to society, the economy and the environment.


Image of the website as it appeared on September 1, 2021



Medina Cetina, Z., Pompelli, Gregory., Cochran, Matt., Olivares, Miriam., Perez-Patron, Maria J., Sanchez-Siordia, Oscar., Rojas-Solis, Minerva., Duran, Guillermo., Alvarado, Juan Pablo., Zarate-Losoya., Enrique., & Lopez-Acosta, Araceli (2021). R13-CBTS-SGL Binational Dashboard Website. https://doi.org/10.21423/sgl.cbtsbinationaldashboard-20210901