The particpation and performance of students with emotional disturbance on state accountability assessment in reading

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This study examined the participation rates and performance results of students with emotional disturbance (ED) in a statewide reading assessment. Public school districts in Texas use the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) test in assessing the reading performance of their students in grades 3 through 8 and in grade 10. Factors of gender, ethnicity, cognitive ability, school level socio-economic status and instructional setting in reading were examined. This study found that 58% of students with emotional disturbance enrolled in grades 3 through 8 and in grade 10 participated in the 2007 TAKS reading assessment. Implications include differences by sub grouping of students with ED. This study also found that 44 % of those students with emotional and behavioral disorders enrolled in the grades who took the test met proficiency standards on the TAKS reading assessment in 2007. Chi square analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between students’ instructional setting in reading and both their participation in and their performance on the TAKS Reading Assessment. Logistic regression analyses results showed that instructional setting in reading can be used as a predictor of both a student’s participation in and performance on the TAKS Reading Assessment.



Emotional Disturbance, Assessment, Accountability
