A Broadband Miniaturized Microwave Dielectric Spectroscopy System Based on Impedance Sensing

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The main purpose of this thesis is to propose a broadband miniaturized spectroscopy system to detect dielectric constant and loss tangent of lossy organic materials at RF/Microwave frequencies. Complex permittivities of lossy liquids are measured using voltage variations across a sensing element embedded in a capacitive divider circuit. The methodology for characterization of complex permittivity of materials is explained in detail. The proposed method provides a unique detection algorithm to extract the dielectric constant and loss tangent of an unknown material exposed to the sensor. The complex permittivity of binary organic mixtures have been extracted to an accuracy better than 5% using sample volumes of 200-300 μL within the frequency range of 1-2 GHz. The results obtained from the measurements are compared to the reported values, and their agreements are presented in this work. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first work presented for broadband miniaturized self-sustained complex permittivity spectroscopy at microwave frequencies.



sensor, spectroscopy, Permittivity
