A knowledge-based control paradigm for real-time systems
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The authors examine the application of knowledge-based symbolic control to the management of execution and configuration of a complex numerical control system. Symbolic processing is used to implement inference of system state and internal communication for inference and control. The flavor system provides an object-oriented programming environment in which the inference engine and knowledge base for the symbolic controller are realized. System communication is accomplished by asynchronous message passing using a mailbox facility. The particular target application considered is a software-intensive radio, which is envisioned as being digitally implemented. Symbolic processing is used to internally control the radio down to the module level. Testing is via computer emulation (Monte Carlo).
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control engineering computing, inference mechanisms, knowledge based systems, real-time systems, symbol manipulation
Painter, J.H., Lin, S.K., Glass, E. (1988). A knowledge-based control paradigm for real-time systems. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 1988: 227-232.