Processing Status Information


The authors compare variant formulations (different from those considered in 1990-1) for predicting the processing of status information. The main competitor considered argued that highly relevant information would eliminate effects of less relevant information. Results from a vignette study confirmed predictions of the original status theory and disconfirmed predictions of the competing theory. This WP was published by the authors (1992).



Status Information


Balkwell, James, Joseph Berger, Murray Webster, Jr., Max Nelson-Kilger, and Jacqueline Cashen.1992. “Processing Status Information: Some Tests of Competing Theoretical Arguments” Chap. 1, pp. 1 - 20 in Edward J. Law¬ler, Barry Markovsky, Cecilia L. Ridge¬way, and Henry A. Walker (Editors), Ad¬vances in Group Processes, Vol. 9. Green¬wich, CT: JAI Press.