An archaeological survey for the Zapata County wastewater treatment plant expansion project in West-Central Zapata County, Texa
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An archaeological survey of the site of the proposed wastewater treatment plant expansion in west-central Zapata County, Texas was performed by Brazos Valley Research Associates (BVRA) on July 10, 2015 (Antiquities Permit 7336). The size of the area examined is 4.58 ac. The field methods included a 100% pedestrian survey and backhoe trenching. Virtulaly the entire area was littered with historic trash and there were sparse scatters of prehistoric lithic debris as well. This area was recorded as multi-component site 41ZP965. Due to the extent of disturbance over the entire APE, it was not possible to identify the source area of the cultural materials. The prehistoric scatter probably represents a limited use area that included limited activities and a possible camp. A probable metate fragment and unifacial scraper suggests plant procurement and preparation. An exausted core, and flakes representing all reduction stages are indicators of tool and blade manufacture. The scraper may have been used to process Agave and other similar plants.
The historic trash scatter covers most of the entire tract. Types observed are bottles and bottle fragments, ceramics, colored glass, window glass, and a coffee tin lid. The historic component could represent a dump that was pushed when the area was cleared of vegetation. The area could also be the site of a former house, line shack, or store. The research potential of this site is limited to an analysis of the artifacts described in this report, on the site, and archival research that may identify what was present at the time. It is recommended that the county be allowed to proceed with construction of the new plant as planned. Copies of the report will be housed at the Texas Historical Commission (THC), Texas Archeological Research Laboratory (TARL), the Texas State Library, the County of Zapata, Premier Civil Engineering, LLC, regional libraries, and BVRA.
archeological reports for Texas, archaeological reports for Texas, archaeology, archeology, Texas archaeology, Texas archeology, Brazos Valley Research Associates, BVRA