Teleoperated Positioning and Microscopy System for Diagnostic Single-event Effects Testing of Integrated Circuits
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The semiconductor industry is engaged in a process of innovation for space applications.
Trends in space exploration and satellite technology are driving requirements for processing
power higher and constraints for integrated circuit (IC) size lower. The processes for
characterization and testing for radiation hardness of semiconductor devices, governed by the
United States Department of Defense, remains focused on single-event effects and total ionizing
dose at the level of an entire IC. Though these standards effectively give consumers the
information and quality they need, simply testing to these standards does not enable effective
innovation for designers of the devices. In the process of characterizing the radiation hardness of
ICs, it is useful to isolate radiation exposure to individual functional blocks within a circuit. This
radiation isolation testing can lead to discoveries of varying vulnerabilities in functional blocks
of an IC. Radiation isolation testing is time consuming and costly because of the tedious process
and repetitive actions required. This project combines mechanization of the existing process with
remote operation capabilities to reduce repetitive actions and expand the capabilities of radiation
isolation testing. This document covers the requirements of the system and its successful
microscope, radiation testing, single-event effects, positioning system, electronics, integrated circuits, semiconductor, engineering