The Disenchanted: A Modern Consideration of the Transformative Force of Technicity

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In this project I will create a philosophically rigorous assessment of what it means to be in the 21st century. I will conceptualize the human subject in relation to the primary signifier of the contemporary age: rapid technological advancement. The ideology that lies beneath technology and science will be shown to be resistant to the conceptualization of the self as a subject and instead promotes a conception of the self to be experienced as an object of study. My examination will draw upon a vast resource of relevant scholarship in an attempt to elucidate the conditions that allow for the emergence of a new self. As Being discloses the world via complex coordinated systems and its involvement with various tools and technological methodologies, and as systems and technologies are continually transforming and unfolding in time, Being necessarily comes to know itself and the world in new and unforeseeable ways. There is a lack of serious philosophical inquiry into how and why Being is so rapidly transforming in apparent sync with the evolution of technology and instrumental processes, and my project will fit into and help to fill this void. As technoscientific progress increases exponentially with time, fundamental phenomenological and ontological questions are presented in entirely new ways, and I will provide an original and reflective perspective on this issue and synthesize views in order to reveal the internal mechanics of modern ideals of progress.



technology, science, philosophy, disenchantment, sociology, existentialism, heidegger, weber, kierkegaard, technicity, instrumentalization, subjectivity, objectivity
