Now showing items 1-10 of 1543
Essential and core books for veterinary medicine
(Medical Library Association, 2018-07)
Objectives:This study defined core and essential lists of recent, English-language veterinary medicine books using a data-driven methodology for potential use by a broad audience, including libraries that are ...
Exploring Vertical Search Engines
(Texas Veterinary Medical Association, 2016-08)
Librarious Veterinarius
(Texas Veterinary Medical Association, 2016-06)
Is building construction, as a social project organization and production system, complicated or complex?
A recent study of chaos in construction as a project production process and system has raised a valid question: Is construction production really complex or just complicated? More importantly, how do we know which one is ...
Information: Integral to Evidence
(Texas Veterinary Medical Association, 2016-10)
The promise and perils of interracial dialogue
(Communication Currents, 2020)
George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many others. The gruesome murders of Black people by police officers and white vigilantes have sparked uprisings across the United States, with participants calling for ...
Chemical Pricing Information for Student Design Projects and Cost Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities
(American Society for Engineering Education, 2018)
Chemical prices are an important component of cost engineering for chemical engineering students and researchers, as well as other disciplines that might be interested in chemical processes (e.g., agricultural engineering, ...
PubMed Part 1: Happy Birthday
(Texas Veterinary Medical Association, 2016-12)
Privileged Exclusion in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan: Ethnic Return Migration, Citizenship, and the Politics of (Not) Belonging
(Europe-Asia Studies, 2017-12)
This article explores issues of citizenship and belonging associated with post-Soviet Kazakhstan's repatriation programme. Beginning in 1991, Kazakhstan financed the resettlement of over 944,000 diasporic Kazakhs from ...
Critically Compassionate Intellectualism in Teacher Education: The Contributions of Relational-Cultural Theory
(Journal of Teacher Education, SAGE Journals, 2018-08-01)
Cammarota and Romero describe how they utilized a framework they call critically compassionate intellectualism (CCI)—a
trilogy of critical pedagogy, authentic caring, and social justice–oriented curriculum—to lift up ...