Now showing items 47-66 of 95

    • Wu, Lawrence L. (2017-08-16)
      a. Robust estimators, those procedures that distinguish likely from unlikely distributions, sometimes are preferable to either parametric or distribution-free estimations. This WP explores statistical properties of maximum ...
    • Anderson, Bo; Zelditch, Morris Jr; Takagi, Paul; Whiteside, Don (2015-07-13)
      This paper argues that rank disequilibrium (or status inconsistency) is a factor in developing right-wing attitudes. The topic had contemporary relevance with the prominence of the John Birch Society, the Christian ...
    • Zelditch, Morris Jr; Anderson, Bo (2015-07-13)
      This theoretical paper addresses what was then called “status consistency” or “status crystallization.” Discrepant ranks on different characteristics such as income, occupational prestige, education, race, and religion ...
    • Cohen, Bernard P.; Arechavala-Vargas, Ricardo; Nobel, Darla R.; Shenhav, Yehouda A. (American Sociological Review, 1991)
      The authors report findings from 224 teams in Silicon Valley on the effects of factors on team productivity and innovativeness. The factors are of four types: interaction, team composition, team organization, and perceptions ...
    • Scott, Richard W.; Dornbusch, Sanford M.; Busching, Bruce C.; Laing, James D. (2015-07-21)
      The authors describe four kinds of authority rights (legitimate attempts to control others) and analyze organizational authority systems in terms of the process by which participants’ performances are evaluated. They present ...
    • McMahon, Anne M; Barchas, Patricia; Cohen, Elizabeth; Hildebrand, Poll; Fennell, Mary (2015-08-15)
      The authors analyze different ways that problem solving groups organize structurally. The argument applies to all groups but because of historical facts, all-male and all-female groups instantiate the situations described. ...
    • Fisek, M. Hamit; Berger, Joseph; Norman, Robert Z. (The American Journal of Sociology, 1991)
      The authors define a behavior interchange pattern that can affect performance expectation states and behavior. This WP was published by the authors (1991).
    • Berger, Joseph; Wagner, David G (2015-08-15)
      The concern is to determine the process by which directly relevant, and inversely relevant characteristics function to affect expectation states. Results of a four-condition experiment showed that dissimilarity alone of ...
    • Berger, Joseph; Conner, Thomas L (2015-07-29)
      This is a revision of Technical Report 18.
    • Berger, Joseph; Conner, Thomas L. (2015-07-21)
      This Technical Report presents the theoretical account for relations among power and prestige behaviors in small groups and performance expectation states. It explains, among other things, the high correlations among several ...
    • Fisek, M. Hamit; Ofshe, Richard J. (2015-08-06)
      This Technical Report discusses results from fifty nine 3 person groups. Although groups began with no induced status or expectation differentiation, about half showed participation inequality from the first 2-minute ...
    • Perlaki, Kinga M; Barchas, Patricia (2015-08-15)
      The authors investigated situations in which appropriate behavior depends on information that is not consciously processed, and they attempted to influence the brain hemisphere which is most active when using such information. ...
    • Balkwell, James W.; Berger, Joseph; Webster, Murray Jr.; Nelson-Kilger, Max; Cashen, Jacqueline (JAI Press, 1992)
      The authors compare variant formulations (different from those considered in 1990-1) for predicting the processing of status information. The main competitor considered argued that highly relevant information would eliminate ...
    • Wagner, David G.; Berger, Joseph (2017-08-16)
      The authors respond to two critiques of their article “Do Sociological Theories Grow?” (1985). This WP is a somewhat longer version of their published responses (1986).
    • Fennell, Mary L; Tuma, Nancy Brandon; Hannan, Michael T (2015-08-15)
      The authors address four sources of indeterminacy in maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) for multivariate modeling of change using panel data: censoring, caused by changes that occur after the observation period ends; small ...
    • Anderson, Bo; Zelditch, Morris Jr (2015-07-14)
      The authors develop theoretical ideas in Technical Report #7 and outline links to political behavior. Technical Report #9 is more abstract than TR #8. This paper develops a theoretical argument about social comparison ...
    • Kimberly, James C (2015-07-28)
      This TR continues the author’s interest in status consistency and organizational stability. It describes a process that equilibrates ranks on different dimensions, and then expands the focus to show how equilibrating ...
    • Berger, Joseph; Zelditch, Morris Jr (2017-08-16)
      As titled. This WP is a revision and expansion of TR#67. Berger, Wagner, and Webster (2014) provide a newer, although focused, view of the program.
    • Simpson, Miles (2015-08-06)
      The author tests the idea that mobility can lead to anomie in societies where mobility is uncommon, less so in a society with greater mobility. He analyzed data from Costa Rica, Mexico and the U.S. in the Five Nation Survey. ...
    • Humphreys, Paul; Berger, Joseph (2015-08-15)
      Humphreys, a logician,and Berger, a sociological theorist, derive five theorems from the theory in Berger et al. (1977). Some of the theorems formally account for the link of status inequality to inequality in group structure ...