Actionable Information - Research Briefs - 4 - Literature review on the impact of natural threats on Supply Chains

Suggested citation:

Allen, A., Medina-Cetina, Z., Pompelli, G., Cochran, M., Alvarado, J. & Z-Losoya, E. (2021). Actionable Information - Research Briefs - 4 - Literature Review on the Impact of Natural Threats on Supply Chains. https://r7-cbts-sgl.engr.tamu.edu/

   author = {Allen, Alexi and Medina-Cetina, Zenon and Pompelli, Gregory and Cochran, Matthew and Alvarado, Juan Pablo and Z-Losoya, Enrique},
   title = {Actionable Information - Research Briefs - 4 - Literature review on the impact of natural threats on Supply Chains},

The bullet points that follow are a summary of the main ideas expressed by various natural threat related sources. The first section summarizes a Web of Science literature search and the analytics from it. The second section is comprised of research articles compiled from the Texas A&M Library website regarding the impact of natural hazards/threats on various supply chains, why companies have failed to fully prepare themselves for supply chain disruption, what companies are doing to mitigate current and prevent future disruptions, and what impacts by natural hazards we may likely see in the future on supply chains. The third section looks at recent (2021) natural disasters and their impact on supply chains. This research brief does not include additional interpretations or recommendations regarding supply chain operations or disaster preparedness based on the summarized information.

Section 1

Table 1: The search criteria used via the Advanced Search on Web of Science to find papers discussing the impact of natural hazards on supply chains using a combination of different topic terms.
# Action Search Number of Search Results
1 Topic Search Natural AND threat AND supply AND chain NEAR impact 9 results
2 Topic Search Natural AND hazard AND supply AND chain NEAR impact 14 results
3 Topic Search Natural AND disaster AND supply AND chain NEAR impact 68 results
4 Topic Search Natural AND threat AND supply AND chain NEAR disruption 11 results
5 Topic Search Natural AND hazard AND supply AND chain NEAR disruption 8 results
6 Topic Search Natural AND disaster AND supply AND chain NEAR disruption 115 results
7 Combination 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 OR 5 OR 6 OR 7 167 results


Figure 1: A visual representation of the top 10 Web of Science Topics covered by the search results obtained from Action #7 listed in Table 1.


Figure 2: A chart based on the number of papers per year from 2004 (earliest sourced paper) to the current year (2021).


Figure 3: Keyword co-occurrence network generated from the 167 papers obtained in the Web of Science search (Table 1).


Figure 4: An abstract semantic analysis generated from the 167 papers obtained in the Web of Science search (Table 1). The links which include the terms hurricane and tsunami are highlighted.


Figure 5: An abstract semantic analysis generated from the 167 papers obtained in the Web of Science search (Table 1). The links which include the term flood are highlighted.

Section 2

Table 2: A list of the most mentioned natural threats based on the number of papers which mention them. The papers reviewed include the ones in this section of this research brief.
Most Mentioned Natural Hazards
Flooding Tsunami
Fire Regime Temperature
Earthquakes Surges
Hurricane/Tropical Cyclone Greenhouse Gas Concentration
Storms Sea Level
Drought Volcanoes

Section 3


Figure 6: Chart used to visualize the frequency and cost of billion-dollar weather and climate events using an interactive time series (Environmental Information (NCEI), 2021).


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