Documentation of Akhil PM Model

View the 46 variables sorted by type, module, group, module/group/name, view, Level Structure, or in a view summary.

Model Assessment Results

Model Information Number
Total Number of Variables
Total Number of State Variables (Level+Smooth+Delay Variables)
8 (17.4%)
Total Number of Stocks (Stocks in Level+Smooth+Delay Variables) †
8 (17.4%)
5 (10.9%)
36 (78.3%)
Time Unit
Initial Time
Final Time
Reported Time Interval
Time Step
Model Is Fully Formulated
Modeler-Defined Groups
- No -
VPM File Available
- No -

Warnings Number
1 (2.2%)
3 (6.5%)

Potential Omissions Number

L : Level (8 / 8) * SM : Smooth (0 / 0) * DE : Delay (0 / 0) * † LI : Level Initial (2) I : Initial (0)
C : Constant (11) F : Flow (8) A : Auxiliary (27) Sub: Subscripts (0) D : Data (0)
G : Game (0) T : Lookup (0 / 0) ††      
* (state variables / total stocks)
† Total stocks do not include fixed delay variables.
†† (lookup variables / lookup tables).
Akhil PM Model (42)
Control (4)
Simulation Control Parameters
Default (46)
Work flows (23)Resources (28) 
Search: •••    a-b    c-d    e-f    g-h    i-j    k-l    m-n    o-p    q-r    s-t    u-v    w-x    y-z    •••   

Variable Name and Description
Default Akhil PM Model
Actual Design Staff (person)
Adjust design staff dt + [Project staff]
Description: The design staff that is currently in place on the project. The initial condition indicates that at the beginning of the entire project staff is assigned to design.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Design resources rate - The rate at which packages can be designed when contrained by resources. It increases with increases in design staff and staff productivity.
  • Design staff gap - The difference between the desired design staff and the actual design staff. The actual design staff approaches the desired level over through the 1st order delay. If the desired design staff is less then the actual design staff the gap is negative and the actual design staff decreases after a delay.
Default Akhil PM Model
Actual Quality Assurance Staff (person)
Adjust quality assurance staff dt + [0]
Description: The quality assurance staff that is currently in place on the project.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Quality Assurance resources rate - The rate at which packages can be checked for errors when contrained by resources. It increases with increases in quality assurance staff and staff productivity.
  • Quality Assurance staff gap - The difference between the desired quality assurance staff and the actual quality assurance staff. The actual quality assurance staff approaches the desired level over through the 1st order delay. If the desired quality assurance staff is less then the actual quality assurance staff the gap is negative and the actual quality assurance staff decreases after a delay.
Default Akhil PM Model
Actual Rework Staff (person)
Adjust rework staff dt + [0]
Description: The rework staff that is currently in place on the project.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Rework resources rate - The rate at which packages can be reworked when contrained by resources. It increases with increases in rework staff and staff productivity.
  • Rework staff gap - The difference between the desired rework staff and the actual rework staff. The actual rework staff approaches the desired level over through the 1st order delay. If the desired rework staff is less then the actual rework staff the gap is negative and the actual rework staff decreases after a delay.
Default Akhil PM Model

add to duration (Week/Week)
Work Released<Scope fraction required to be considered completed*Project scope, 1 , 0 )
Description: Adds to the project duration if the amount of work released is less then the work required to be completed before the project can be considered complete.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Project Duration - The weeks required to complete the project based upon the percent of work required for the project to be considered complete and the amount of work completed to date.
Default Akhil PM Model

Adjust design staff (person/Week)
Design staff gap/Staff adjustment delay
Description: Adjusts the design staff on the project. The adjustment is assumed to occur over the staff delay time. If the design staff gap is negative the actual design staff is reduced.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Actual Design Staff - The design staff that is currently in place on the project. The initial condition indicates that at the beginning of the entire project staff is assigned to design.
Default Akhil PM Model

Adjust quality assurance staff (person/Week)
Quality Assurance staff gap/Staff adjustment delay
Description: Adjusts the quality assurance staff on the project. The adjustment is assumed to occur over the staff delay time. If the quality assurance staff gap is negative the actual quality assurance staff is reduced.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
Default Akhil PM Model

Adjust rework staff (person/Week)
Rework staff gap/Staff adjustment delay
Description: Adjusts the rework staff on the project. The adjustment is assumed to occur over the staff delay time. If the rework staff gap is negative the actual rework staff is reduced.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
Default Akhil PM Model

approve packages (work packages/Week)
Quality Assurance rate-discover rework rate
Description: The rate at which work packages are approved and released. It is the difference between the quality assurance rate and the rate at which work packages are discovered to require rework.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
Default Akhil PM Model
"Design Backlog & WIP" (work packages)
= -
design packages dt + [Project scope]
Description: The number of work packages waiting to be constructed.
Present in 2 views: Used by:
  • design process rate - The number of work packages that can be designed if the process constrains the rate. It assumes that work is available after it has remained in the design backlog for the minimum duration.
  • Fraction of project backlog in design - The percentage of work packages that are contained within the design backlog. It increases as the design backlog increases and decreases as the project backlog increases.
  • project backlog - The project backlog represents the work packages remaining to be completed on the project. It is the sum of the Design, QA, and RW backlogs.
Default Akhil PM Model

design packages (work packages/Week)
= MIN(
design process rate,Design resources rate)
Description: The rate at which work packages are constructed can be constrained by either available resources or available work packages. The minimum rate between available work and available resources determines the rate at which packages are constructed.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
Default Akhil PM Model
design process rate (work packages/Week)
"Design Backlog & WIP"/Min design duration
Description: The number of work packages that can be designed if the process constrains the rate. It assumes that work is available after it has remained in the design backlog for the minimum duration.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • design packages - The rate at which work packages are constructed can be constrained by either available resources or available work packages. The minimum rate between available work and available resources determines the rate at which packages are constructed.
Default Akhil PM Model
Design resources rate (work packages/Week)
= (0*
Desired design staff*Staff Productivity)+(1*Actual Design Staff*Staff Productivity)
Description: The rate at which packages can be designed when contrained by resources. It increases with increases in design staff and staff productivity.
Present in 2 views: Used by:
  • design packages - The rate at which work packages are constructed can be constrained by either available resources or available work packages. The minimum rate between available work and available resources determines the rate at which packages are constructed.
Default Akhil PM Model
Design staff gap (person)
Desired design staff-Actual Design Staff
Description: The difference between the desired design staff and the actual design staff. The actual design staff approaches the desired level over through the 1st order delay. If the desired design staff is less then the actual design staff the gap is negative and the actual design staff decreases after a delay.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Adjust design staff - Adjusts the design staff on the project. The adjustment is assumed to occur over the staff delay time. If the design staff gap is negative the actual design staff is reduced.
Default Akhil PM Model
Desired design staff (person)
Fraction of project backlog in design*Project staff
Description: The desired number of persons to be assigned to the design staff based upon the proportion of design work to the project backlog.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Design resources rate - The rate at which packages can be designed when contrained by resources. It increases with increases in design staff and staff productivity.
  • Design staff gap - The difference between the desired design staff and the actual design staff. The actual design staff approaches the desired level over through the 1st order delay. If the desired design staff is less then the actual design staff the gap is negative and the actual design staff decreases after a delay.
Default Akhil PM Model
Desired quality assurance staff (person)
Fraction of project backlog in quality assurance*Project staff
Description: The desired number of persons to be assigned to the quality assurance staff based upon the proportion of quality assurance work to the project backlog.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Quality Assurance resources rate - The rate at which packages can be checked for errors when contrained by resources. It increases with increases in quality assurance staff and staff productivity.
  • Quality Assurance staff gap - The difference between the desired quality assurance staff and the actual quality assurance staff. The actual quality assurance staff approaches the desired level over through the 1st order delay. If the desired quality assurance staff is less then the actual quality assurance staff the gap is negative and the actual quality assurance staff decreases after a delay.
Default Akhil PM Model
Desired rework staff (person)
Fraction of project backlog in rework*Project staff
Description: The desired number of persons to be assigned to the rework staff based upon the proportion of rework backlog to the project backlog.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Rework resources rate - The rate at which packages can be reworked when contrained by resources. It increases with increases in rework staff and staff productivity.
  • Rework staff gap - The difference between the desired rework staff and the actual rework staff. The actual rework staff approaches the desired level over through the 1st order delay. If the desired rework staff is less then the actual rework staff the gap is negative and the actual rework staff decreases after a delay.
Default Akhil PM Model

discover rework rate (work packages/Week)
Fraction of work packages discovered to require rework*Quality Assurance rate
Description: The rate at which work packages are discovered to require rework. The rate increases with both the quality assurance rate and the percentage of tasks that require rework.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • approve packages - The rate at which work packages are approved and released. It is the difference between the quality assurance rate and the rate at which work packages are discovered to require rework.
  • "Quality Assurance Backlog & WIP" - The number of work packages waiting to be checked for quality assurance.
  • "Rework Backlog & WIP" - The number of work packages that are waiting to be reworked.
Default Control #18
= 100
Description: The final time for the simulation.
Not Present In Any View
Default Akhil PM Model
Fraction of project backlog in design (Dmnl)
"Design Backlog & WIP"/project backlog
Description: The percentage of work packages that are contained within the design backlog. It increases as the design backlog increases and decreases as the project backlog increases.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Desired design staff - The desired number of persons to be assigned to the design staff based upon the proportion of design work to the project backlog.
Default Akhil PM Model
Fraction of project backlog in quality assurance (Dmnl)
"Quality Assurance Backlog & WIP"/project backlog
Description: The percentage of work packages that are contained within the quality assurance backlog. It increases as the quality assurance backlog increases and decreases as the project backlog increases.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Desired quality assurance staff - The desired number of persons to be assigned to the quality assurance staff based upon the proportion of quality assurance work to the project backlog.
Default Akhil PM Model
Fraction of project backlog in rework (Dmnl)
"Rework Backlog & WIP"/project backlog
Description: The percentage of work packages that are contained within the quality assurance backlog. It increases as the quality assurance backlog increases and decreases as the project backlog increases.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Desired rework staff - The desired number of persons to be assigned to the rework staff based upon the proportion of rework backlog to the project backlog.
Default Akhil PM Model
Fraction of work packages discovered to require rework (Dmnl [0,1])
= 0.2
Description: The percentage of work packages that require rework. NOTE the base case value is 0.2.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • discover rework rate - The rate at which work packages are discovered to require rework. The rate increases with both the quality assurance rate and the percentage of tasks that require rework.
Default Control #23
= 0
Description: The initial time for the simulation.
Not Present In Any View
Used by:
  • Time - Internally defined simulation time.
Default Akhil PM Model
Min design duration (Week [0,2])
= 1
Description: The minimum number of weeks a work packages must stay in the design backlog until it can be constructed.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • design process rate - The number of work packages that can be designed if the process constrains the rate. It assumes that work is available after it has remained in the design backlog for the minimum duration.
Default Akhil PM Model
Min quality assurance duration (Week [0,2])
= 1
Description: The minimum number of weeks a work packages must stay in the quality assurance backlog until it can be checked for errors.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Quality Assurance process rate - The the number of work packages that can be checked for errors if the process constrains the rate. It assumes that work is available after it has remained in the quality assurance backlog for the minimum duration.
Default Akhil PM Model
min rework duration (Week [0,2])
= 1
Description: The minimum number of weeks a work packages must stay in the rework backlog until it can be reworked.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • rework process rate - The the number of work packages that can be reworked if the process constrains the rate. It assumes that work is available after it has remained in the rework backlog for the minimum duration.
Default Akhil PM Model
project backlog (work packages)
"Design Backlog & WIP"+"Quality Assurance Backlog & WIP"+"Rework Backlog & WIP"
Description: The project backlog represents the work packages remaining to be completed on the project. It is the sum of the Design, QA, and RW backlogs.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Fraction of project backlog in design - The percentage of work packages that are contained within the design backlog. It increases as the design backlog increases and decreases as the project backlog increases.
  • Fraction of project backlog in quality assurance - The percentage of work packages that are contained within the quality assurance backlog. It increases as the quality assurance backlog increases and decreases as the project backlog increases.
  • Fraction of project backlog in rework - The percentage of work packages that are contained within the quality assurance backlog. It increases as the quality assurance backlog increases and decreases as the project backlog increases.
Default Akhil PM Model
Project Duration (Week)
add to duration dt + [0]
Description: The weeks required to complete the project based upon the percent of work required for the project to be considered complete and the amount of work completed to date.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • This is a supplementary variable.
Default Akhil PM Model
Project scope (work packages [0,1000])
= 500
Description: The number of work packages that must be completed and approved to complete the project. Each work packages represents a small piece of the project. NOTE the base case value is 500 work packages.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • add to duration - Adds to the project duration if the amount of work released is less then the work required to be completed before the project can be considered complete.
  • "Design Backlog & WIP" - The number of work packages waiting to be constructed.
Default Akhil PM Model
Project staff (person [0,50])
= 20
Description: The number of people assigned to the project.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Actual Design Staff - The design staff that is currently in place on the project. The initial condition indicates that at the beginning of the entire project staff is assigned to design.
  • Desired design staff - The desired number of persons to be assigned to the design staff based upon the proportion of design work to the project backlog.
  • Desired quality assurance staff - The desired number of persons to be assigned to the quality assurance staff based upon the proportion of quality assurance work to the project backlog.
  • Desired rework staff - The desired number of persons to be assigned to the rework staff based upon the proportion of rework backlog to the project backlog.
Default Akhil PM Model
"Quality Assurance Backlog & WIP" (work packages)
design packages+rework rate-approve packages-discover rework rate dt + [0]
Description: The number of work packages waiting to be checked for quality assurance.
Present in 2 views: Used by:
  • Fraction of project backlog in quality assurance - The percentage of work packages that are contained within the quality assurance backlog. It increases as the quality assurance backlog increases and decreases as the project backlog increases.
  • project backlog - The project backlog represents the work packages remaining to be completed on the project. It is the sum of the Design, QA, and RW backlogs.
  • Quality Assurance process rate - The the number of work packages that can be checked for errors if the process constrains the rate. It assumes that work is available after it has remained in the quality assurance backlog for the minimum duration.
Default Akhil PM Model
Quality Assurance process rate (work packages/Week)
"Quality Assurance Backlog & WIP"/Min quality assurance duration
Description: The the number of work packages that can be checked for errors if the process constrains the rate. It assumes that work is available after it has remained in the quality assurance backlog for the minimum duration.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Quality Assurance rate - The rate at which work packages are checked for errors can be constrained by either available resources or available work packages. The minimum rate between available work and available resources determines the rate at which packages are checked for errors.
Default Akhil PM Model
Quality Assurance rate (work packages/Week)
= MIN(
Quality Assurance process rate,Quality Assurance resources rate)
Description: The rate at which work packages are checked for errors can be constrained by either available resources or available work packages. The minimum rate between available work and available resources determines the rate at which packages are checked for errors.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • approve packages - The rate at which work packages are approved and released. It is the difference between the quality assurance rate and the rate at which work packages are discovered to require rework.
  • discover rework rate - The rate at which work packages are discovered to require rework. The rate increases with both the quality assurance rate and the percentage of tasks that require rework.
Default Akhil PM Model
Quality Assurance resources rate (work packages/Week)
= (0*
Desired quality assurance staff*Staff Productivity)+(1*Actual Quality Assurance Staff*Staff Productivity)
Description: The rate at which packages can be checked for errors when contrained by resources. It increases with increases in quality assurance staff and staff productivity.
Present in 2 views: Used by:
  • Quality Assurance rate - The rate at which work packages are checked for errors can be constrained by either available resources or available work packages. The minimum rate between available work and available resources determines the rate at which packages are checked for errors.
Default Akhil PM Model
Quality Assurance staff gap (person)
Desired quality assurance staff-Actual Quality Assurance Staff
Description: The difference between the desired quality assurance staff and the actual quality assurance staff. The actual quality assurance staff approaches the desired level over through the 1st order delay. If the desired quality assurance staff is less then the actual quality assurance staff the gap is negative and the actual quality assurance staff decreases after a delay.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Adjust quality assurance staff - Adjusts the quality assurance staff on the project. The adjustment is assumed to occur over the staff delay time. If the quality assurance staff gap is negative the actual quality assurance staff is reduced.
Default Akhil PM Model
"Rework Backlog & WIP" (work packages)
discover rework rate-rework rate dt + [0]
Description: The number of work packages that are waiting to be reworked.
Present in 2 views: Used by:
  • Fraction of project backlog in rework - The percentage of work packages that are contained within the quality assurance backlog. It increases as the quality assurance backlog increases and decreases as the project backlog increases.
  • project backlog - The project backlog represents the work packages remaining to be completed on the project. It is the sum of the Design, QA, and RW backlogs.
  • rework process rate - The the number of work packages that can be reworked if the process constrains the rate. It assumes that work is available after it has remained in the rework backlog for the minimum duration.
Default Akhil PM Model
rework process rate (work packages/Week)
"Rework Backlog & WIP"/min rework duration
Description: The the number of work packages that can be reworked if the process constrains the rate. It assumes that work is available after it has remained in the rework backlog for the minimum duration.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • rework rate - The rate at which work packages are reworked can be constrained by either available resources or available work packages. The minimum rate between available work and available resources determines the rate at which packages are reworked.
Default Akhil PM Model

rework rate (work packages/Week)
= MIN(
rework process rate,Rework resources rate)
Description: The rate at which work packages are reworked can be constrained by either available resources or available work packages. The minimum rate between available work and available resources determines the rate at which packages are reworked.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
Default Akhil PM Model
Rework resources rate (work packages/Week)
= (0*
Desired rework staff*Staff Productivity)+(1*Actual Rework Staff*Staff Productivity)
Description: The rate at which packages can be reworked when contrained by resources. It increases with increases in rework staff and staff productivity.
Present in 2 views: Used by:
  • rework rate - The rate at which work packages are reworked can be constrained by either available resources or available work packages. The minimum rate between available work and available resources determines the rate at which packages are reworked.
Default Akhil PM Model
Rework staff gap (person)
Desired rework staff-Actual Rework Staff
Description: The difference between the desired rework staff and the actual rework staff. The actual rework staff approaches the desired level over through the 1st order delay. If the desired rework staff is less then the actual rework staff the gap is negative and the actual rework staff decreases after a delay.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Adjust rework staff - Adjusts the rework staff on the project. The adjustment is assumed to occur over the staff delay time. If the rework staff gap is negative the actual rework staff is reduced.
Default Control #41
SAVEPER (Week [0,?])
Description: The frequency with which output is stored.
Not Present In Any View
Default Akhil PM Model
Scope fraction required to be considered completed (Dmnl [0,1])
= 0.995
Description: The percentage of initial scope that must be complete for the project to be considered complete.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • add to duration - Adds to the project duration if the amount of work released is less then the work required to be completed before the project can be considered complete.
Default Akhil PM Model
Staff adjustment delay (Week)
Description: The time required for a person to move from one activity to a different activity. The delay represents the assumption that a worker cannot instantly move from one activity to another but rather gradually decreases their effort on the "old" activity while simultaneously increasing their effort on the "new" activity. For simplicity the model is initially calibrated with the smallest possible delay (TIME STEP) to simulate no delay.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Adjust design staff - Adjusts the design staff on the project. The adjustment is assumed to occur over the staff delay time. If the design staff gap is negative the actual design staff is reduced.
  • Adjust quality assurance staff - Adjusts the quality assurance staff on the project. The adjustment is assumed to occur over the staff delay time. If the quality assurance staff gap is negative the actual quality assurance staff is reduced.
  • Adjust rework staff - Adjusts the rework staff on the project. The adjustment is assumed to occur over the staff delay time. If the rework staff gap is negative the actual rework staff is reduced.
Default Akhil PM Model
Staff Productivity (work packages/(person*Week) [0,2])
= 1
Description: The number of work packages that a person can complete in a week. The current formulation assumes that staff productivity is constant through the project and across activities.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Design resources rate - The rate at which packages can be designed when contrained by resources. It increases with increases in design staff and staff productivity.
  • Quality Assurance resources rate - The rate at which packages can be checked for errors when contrained by resources. It increases with increases in quality assurance staff and staff productivity.
  • Rework resources rate - The rate at which packages can be reworked when contrained by resources. It increases with increases in rework staff and staff productivity.
Default Control #45
TIME STEP (Week [0,?])
= 0.03125
Description: The time step for the simulation.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • SAVEPER - The frequency with which output is stored.
  • Staff adjustment delay - The time required for a person to move from one activity to a different activity. The delay represents the assumption that a worker cannot instantly move from one activity to another but rather gradually decreases their effort on the "old" activity while simultaneously increasing their effort on the "new" activity. For simplicity the model is initially calibrated with the smallest possible delay (TIME STEP) to simulate no delay.
Default Akhil PM Model
Work Released (work packages)
approve packages dt + [0]
Description: The number of work packages that have been completed.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • add to duration - Adds to the project duration if the amount of work released is less then the work required to be completed before the project can be considered complete.

List of 1 Supplementary Variable

Supplementary Variable (1)
Default Akhil PM Model L Project Duration (Week)

List of 1 Variable Using IF...THEN...ELSE Function

Variable (1)
Default Akhil PM Model F,A add to duration (Week/Week)

List of 3 Variables Using MIN or MAX Functions

Undocumented Variable (3)
Default Akhil PM Model F,A design packages (work packages/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model A Quality Assurance rate (work packages/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model F,A rework rate (work packages/Week)

List of 36 Variables Without Predefined Min or Max Values

Undocumented Variable (36)
Default Akhil PM Model L Actual Design Staff (person)
Default Akhil PM Model L Actual Quality Assurance Staff (person)
Default Akhil PM Model L Actual Rework Staff (person)
Default Akhil PM Model F,A add to duration (Week/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model F,A Adjust design staff (person/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model F,A Adjust quality assurance staff (person/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model F,A Adjust rework staff (person/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model F,A approve packages (work packages/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model L "Design Backlog & WIP" (work packages)
Default Akhil PM Model F,A design packages (work packages/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model A design process rate (work packages/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model A Design resources rate (work packages/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model A Design staff gap (person)
Default Akhil PM Model A Desired design staff (person)
Default Akhil PM Model A Desired quality assurance staff (person)
Default Akhil PM Model A Desired rework staff (person)
Default Akhil PM Model F,A discover rework rate (work packages/Week)
Default Control C FINAL TIME (Week)
Default Akhil PM Model A Fraction of project backlog in design (Dmnl)
Default Akhil PM Model A Fraction of project backlog in quality assurance (Dmnl)
Default Akhil PM Model A Fraction of project backlog in rework (Dmnl)
Default Control C INITIAL TIME (Week)
Default Akhil PM Model A project backlog (work packages)
Default Akhil PM Model L Project Duration (Week)
Default Akhil PM Model L "Quality Assurance Backlog & WIP" (work packages)
Default Akhil PM Model A Quality Assurance process rate (work packages/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model A Quality Assurance rate (work packages/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model A Quality Assurance resources rate (work packages/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model A Quality Assurance staff gap (person)
Default Akhil PM Model L "Rework Backlog & WIP" (work packages)
Default Akhil PM Model A rework process rate (work packages/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model F,A rework rate (work packages/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model A Rework resources rate (work packages/Week)
Default Akhil PM Model A Rework staff gap (person)
Default Akhil PM Model A Staff adjustment delay (Week)
Default Akhil PM Model L Work Released (work packages)

Formulation Complexity Summary (Violations of Richardson's Rule)

Complexity Score
Default Akhil PM Model L "Quality Assurance Backlog & WIP" (work packages)

List of 8 State Variables

Default Akhil PM Model L Actual Design Staff (person)
Default Akhil PM Model L Actual Quality Assurance Staff (person)
Default Akhil PM Model L Actual Rework Staff (person)
Default Akhil PM Model L "Design Backlog & WIP" (work packages)
Default Akhil PM Model L Project Duration (Week)
Default Akhil PM Model L "Quality Assurance Backlog & WIP" (work packages)
Default Akhil PM Model L "Rework Backlog & WIP" (work packages)
Default Akhil PM Model L Work Released (work packages)

List of 2 Views and Their 46 Variables

Work flows
Total: 23 28 :Total
Actual Design Staff (in 1 view)   X Actual Design Staff (in 1 view)
Actual Quality Assurance Staff (in 1 view)   X Actual Quality Assurance Staff (in 1 view)
Actual Rework Staff (in 1 view)   X Actual Rework Staff (in 1 view)
add to duration (in 1 view) X   add to duration (in 1 view)
Adjust design staff (in 1 view)   X Adjust design staff (in 1 view)
Adjust quality assurance staff (in 1 view)   X Adjust quality assurance staff (in 1 view)
Adjust rework staff (in 1 view)   X Adjust rework staff (in 1 view)
approve packages (in 1 view) X   approve packages (in 1 view)
Design Backlog & WIP (in 2 views) X X Design Backlog & WIP (in 2 views)
design packages (in 1 view) X   design packages (in 1 view)
design process rate (in 1 view) X   design process rate (in 1 view)
Design resources rate (in 2 views) X X Design resources rate (in 2 views)
Design staff gap (in 1 view)   X Design staff gap (in 1 view)
Desired design staff (in 1 view)   X Desired design staff (in 1 view)
Desired quality assurance staff (in 1 view)   X Desired quality assurance staff (in 1 view)
Desired rework staff (in 1 view)   X Desired rework staff (in 1 view)
discover rework rate (in 1 view) X   discover rework rate (in 1 view)
FINAL TIME (in 0 views)     FINAL TIME (in 0 views)
Fraction of project backlog in design (in 1 view)   X Fraction of project backlog in design (in 1 view)
Fraction of project backlog in quality assurance (in 1 view)   X Fraction of project backlog in quality assurance (in 1 view)
Fraction of project backlog in rework (in 1 view)   X Fraction of project backlog in rework (in 1 view)
Fraction of work packages discovered to require rework (in 1 view) X   Fraction of work packages discovered to require rework (in 1 view)
INITIAL TIME (in 0 views)     INITIAL TIME (in 0 views)
Min design duration (in 1 view) X   Min design duration (in 1 view)
Min quality assurance duration (in 1 view) X   Min quality assurance duration (in 1 view)
min rework duration (in 1 view) X   min rework duration (in 1 view)
project backlog (in 1 view)   X project backlog (in 1 view)
Project Duration (in 1 view) X   Project Duration (in 1 view)
Project scope (in 1 view) X   Project scope (in 1 view)
Project staff (in 1 view)   X Project staff (in 1 view)
Quality Assurance Backlog & WIP (in 2 views) X X Quality Assurance Backlog & WIP (in 2 views)
Quality Assurance process rate (in 1 view) X   Quality Assurance process rate (in 1 view)
Quality Assurance rate (in 1 view) X   Quality Assurance rate (in 1 view)
Quality Assurance resources rate (in 2 views) X X Quality Assurance resources rate (in 2 views)
Quality Assurance staff gap (in 1 view)   X Quality Assurance staff gap (in 1 view)
Rework Backlog & WIP (in 2 views) X X Rework Backlog & WIP (in 2 views)
rework process rate (in 1 view) X   rework process rate (in 1 view)
rework rate (in 1 view) X   rework rate (in 1 view)
Rework resources rate (in 2 views) X X Rework resources rate (in 2 views)
Rework staff gap (in 1 view)   X Rework staff gap (in 1 view)
SAVEPER (in 0 views)     SAVEPER (in 0 views)
Scope fraction required to be considered completed (in 1 view) X   Scope fraction required to be considered completed (in 1 view)
Staff adjustment delay (in 1 view)   X Staff adjustment delay (in 1 view)
Staff Productivity (in 1 view)   X Staff Productivity (in 1 view)
TIME STEP (in 1 view)   X TIME STEP (in 1 view)
Work Released (in 1 view) X   Work Released (in 1 view)
Total: 23 28 :Total
Work flows

* Includes Time, if used in a view. Excludes variables not present in any view.

Level Structure †

Actual Design Staff = Adjust design staff dt + [Project staff]
Project staff = 20
    Adjust design staff = Design staff gap/Staff adjustment delay

Actual Quality Assurance Staff = Adjust quality assurance staff dt + [0]
    Adjust quality assurance staff = Quality Assurance staff gap/Staff adjustment delay

Actual Rework Staff = Adjust rework staff dt + [0]
    Adjust rework staff = Rework staff gap/Staff adjustment delay

"Design Backlog & WIP" = -design packages dt + [Project scope]
Project scope = 500
    design packages = MIN(design process rate,Design resources rate)

Project Duration = add to duration dt + [0]
    add to duration = IF THEN ELSE(Work Released<Scope fraction required to be considered completed*Project scope, 1 , 0 )

"Quality Assurance Backlog & WIP" = design packages+rework rate-approve packages-discover rework rate dt + [0]
    approve packages = Quality Assurance rate-discover rework rate
    discover rework rate = Fraction of work packages discovered to require rework*Quality Assurance rate
    rework rate = MIN(rework process rate,Rework resources rate)

"Rework Backlog & WIP" = discover rework rate-rework rate dt + [0]

Work Released = approve packages dt + [0]

†  Level Structure Report still under development.

List of 5 Equations with Dimensionless Units

Default Akhil PM Model A Fraction of project backlog in design (Dmnl)
Default Akhil PM Model A Fraction of project backlog in quality assurance (Dmnl)
Default Akhil PM Model A Fraction of project backlog in rework (Dmnl)
Default Akhil PM Model C Fraction of work packages discovered to require rework (Dmnl [0,1])
Default Akhil PM Model C Scope fraction required to be considered completed (Dmnl [0,1])

Source file: Akhil PM Model.mdl (4Dec2019 - 1:53:17 AM)
Report Created on 4-Dec-2019 - 1:53:46 AM
SDM-Doc Tool Version 5.0
Decision and Information Sciences Division
Argonne National Laboratory