Documentation of CAPTrap-Akhil

View the 52 variables sorted by type, module, group, module/group/name, view, Level Structure, or in a view summary.

Model Assessment Results

Model Information Number
Total Number of Variables
Total Number of State Variables (Level+Smooth+Delay Variables)
7 (13.5%)
Total Number of Stocks (Stocks in Level+Smooth+Delay Variables) †
11 (21.2%)
8 (15.4%)
26 (50%)
Time Unit
Initial Time
Final Time
Reported Time Interval
Time Step
Model Is Fully Formulated
Modeler-Defined Groups
- No -
VPM File Available
- No -

Warnings Number
Equations with Embedded Data (0 and 1 constants ignored)
2 (3.8%)
5 (9.6%)
4 (7.7%)

Potential Omissions Number

L : Level (5 / 5) * SM : Smooth (0 / 0) * DE : Delay (2 / 6) * † LI : Level Initial (5) I : Initial (2)
C : Constant (24) F : Flow (6) A : Auxiliary (19) Sub: Subscripts (0) D : Data (0)
G : Game (0) T : Lookup (0 / 0) ††      
* (state variables / total stocks)
† Total stocks do not include fixed delay variables.
†† (lookup variables / lookup tables).
CAPTrap-Akhil (48)
Control (4)
Simulation Control Parameters
Default (52)
Workforce (17)Capability (50)View 3 (0) 
Search: •••    a-b    c-d    e-f    g-h    i-j    k-l    m-n    o-p    q-r    s-t    u-v    w-x    y-z    •••   

Variable Name and Description
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Adjustment for Workforce (Persons/Year)
= (
Target Workforce-Workforce)/Workforce Adjustment Time
Description: Labor is constantly adjusted to meet the demand or Target. This Variable determines how quickly the size of actual workforce reaches the targeted workforce size.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Hiring - Since the lower bound of this function is restricted to zero, it indicates that labours can not be fired and the only way to lose labors is by attrition.Hiring replaces the workforce who leave and adjusts the workforce towards the target level.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Attrition (Persons/Year)
Hiring, Average Duration of Employment , Initial Workforce/Average Duration of Employment)
Description: Workers stay with the firm for a period given by the average duration of employment; the attrition profile is a third order Erlang lag.This is the rate at which workers leave the firm.NOTE: ERLANG DISTRIBUTION IS A FORM OF GAMMA DISTRIBUTION, THE ERLANG LAG IS THE TIME THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES TO REACH THE PEAK.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Hiring - Since the lower bound of this function is restricted to zero, it indicates that labours can not be fired and the only way to lose labors is by attrition.Hiring replaces the workforce who leave and adjusts the workforce towards the target level.
  • Workforce - The size of the workforce at a given point in time. Hiring increases the population of the workforce and attrition decreases the number of labors working for the firm. Note: Labor has been renamed as Workforce for better representation.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Authorized Workforce (Persons)
= MAX(0,
Initial Workforce*(1+STEP(Fractional Change in Workforce, Time to Change Workforce)+RAMP(Ramp in Workforce, 0 , 6)))
Description: Authorized workforce can be increased or decreased by a certain amount at time zero, or follow a linear ramp with slope "Ramp in workforce".ADDITIONAL NOTE: FINAL TIME OF RAMP, T=6, BUT SIMULATION STOPS AT T=5.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Target Workforce - The target used to determine hiring is the required number of workers given the output shortfall or the authorized number (based on budget or other consideration), whichever is less.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Average Capability Loss Rate (1/Year)
= 0.5
Description: The fractional rate at which capabilities erode as personnel turn over and as environmental, technological, competitive and other conditions change.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Capability Decrease - Capabilities erode over time after a certain delay, with a mean Lag given by the reciprocal of the fractional capability erosion rate. Capability erosion is modeled as an Erlang lag. The user can specify the order of the delay.NOTE: ERLANG DISTRIBUTION IS A FORM OF GAMMA DISTRIBUTION, THE ERLANG LAG IS THE TIME THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES TO REACH THE PEAK.
  • Productivity of Improvement Effort - The productivity of improvement effort is the increase in capabilities per person-hour of improvement effort. It is set so that the simulations begin in equilibrium, with the time spent on improvement given by the standard workweek less the initial time spent working, and with the increase in capabilities offsetting capability erosion.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Average Duration of Employment (Year [0,10])
= 2
Description: The average Tenure of a worker.Exogenous
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Attrition - Workers stay with the firm for a period given by the average duration of employment; the attrition profile is a third order Erlang lag.This is the rate at which workers leave the firm.NOTE: ERLANG DISTRIBUTION IS A FORM OF GAMMA DISTRIBUTION, THE ERLANG LAG IS THE TIME THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES TO REACH THE PEAK.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Capabilities (Dmnl)
Capability Increase-Capability Decrease dt + [Initial Capabilities]
Description: The capabilities of the organization are a stock, increased by improvement effort and investment in capability development,and decreased as capabilities erode.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Capability Decrease - Capabilities erode over time after a certain delay, with a mean Lag given by the reciprocal of the fractional capability erosion rate. Capability erosion is modeled as an Erlang lag. The user can specify the order of the delay.NOTE: ERLANG DISTRIBUTION IS A FORM OF GAMMA DISTRIBUTION, THE ERLANG LAG IS THE TIME THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES TO REACH THE PEAK.
  • Capability Increase - Capabilities increase as the result of effort applied to improvement effort and capability development. Improvement is determined by the product of the labor force, the average time per person per week spent on improvement and the productivity of improvement effort. Improvement slows, however, as capabilities approach their maximum value.
  • Productivity - For simplicity, productivity (units of output per person-hour of work effort) is proportional to organizational capabilities. Reference productivity is set to initialize the model in equilibrium.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Capability Decrease (1/Year)
Capability Increase,1/Average Capability Loss Rate,Capabilities*Average Capability Loss Rate,Capability Delay Order)
Description: Capabilities erode over time after a certain delay, with a mean Lag given by the reciprocal of the fractional capability erosion rate. Capability erosion is modeled as an Erlang lag. The user can specify the order of the delay.NOTE: ERLANG DISTRIBUTION IS A FORM OF GAMMA DISTRIBUTION, THE ERLANG LAG IS THE TIME THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES TO REACH THE PEAK.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Capabilities - The capabilities of the organization are a stock, increased by improvement effort and investment in capability development,and decreased as capabilities erode.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Capability Delay Order (Dmnl [1,6])
= 3
Description: The order of the delay governing capability erosion.ExogenousNOTE: THE ORDER OF DELAY CAN BE EXOGENOUSLY VARIED FROM 1 TO 6 IN INCREMENTS OF 1.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Capability Decrease - Capabilities erode over time after a certain delay, with a mean Lag given by the reciprocal of the fractional capability erosion rate. Capability erosion is modeled as an Erlang lag. The user can specify the order of the delay.NOTE: ERLANG DISTRIBUTION IS A FORM OF GAMMA DISTRIBUTION, THE ERLANG LAG IS THE TIME THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES TO REACH THE PEAK.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil

Capability Increase (1/Year)
Workforce*Time Spent Improving*Productivity of Improvement Effort*(Maximum Capabilities-Capabilities)/Maximum Capabilities
Description: Capabilities increase as the result of effort applied to improvement effort and capability development. Improvement is determined by the product of the labor force, the average time per person per week spent on improvement and the productivity of improvement effort. Improvement slows, however, as capabilities approach their maximum value.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Capabilities - The capabilities of the organization are a stock, increased by improvement effort and investment in capability development,and decreased as capabilities erode.
  • Capability Decrease - Capabilities erode over time after a certain delay, with a mean Lag given by the reciprocal of the fractional capability erosion rate. Capability erosion is modeled as an Erlang lag. The user can specify the order of the delay.NOTE: ERLANG DISTRIBUTION IS A FORM OF GAMMA DISTRIBUTION, THE ERLANG LAG IS THE TIME THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES TO REACH THE PEAK.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil

Change in Required Improvement Effort (Hours/(Year*Week))
Time Spent Improving*Sensitivity of Improvement Effort to Output Shortfall*Output Shortfall*(Maximum Workweek-Time Spent Improving)/Maximum Workweek+(Increase in Time Spent Improving/TIME STEP)*PULSE(0,TIME STEP)
Description: The time spent on capability development and improvement increases in proportion to the output shortfall, with a gain determined by the sensitivity of improvement to output. The increase falls as the time spent improving approaches the maximum workweek. In addition, the time for improvement can increase exogenously by a certain amount at time zero as a test input (determined by the pulse function).
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Required Improvement Effort - The number of hours per person per week needed to improve capabilities, based on the cumulative response to the output shortfall. Actual improvement hours per week depend on the time available after work effort is accounted for.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil

Change in Time Spent Working (Hours/Week/Year)
Time Spent Working*Sensitivity of Work Effort to Output Shortfall*Output Shortfall*(Maximum Workweek-Time Spent Working)/Maximum Workweek+(Increase in Time Spent Working/TIME STEP)*PULSE( 0, TIME STEP )
Description: The amount of time spent working on average changes in proportion to the output shortfall. Positive shortfalls lead to an increase in hours per person spent working (vs. improvement and capability development); a negative shortfall (more output than required) leads to a reduction of hours spent working. The time spent working cannot rise above the maximum workweek, so the rate of increase falls to zero as the time spent working approaches the maximum. In addition, the time spent working can increase by a fixed amount at time zero (the Increase in Time Spent Working), using the pulse function.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Time Spent Working - The average number of hours each worker spends each week producing (vs. improvement effort).
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Cumulative Output (Units*Year/Week [0,?])
= MAX(0,
Rate of output) dt + [0]
Description: Total number of products produced till date
Present in 1 view:
Default Control #13
= 5
Description: The final time for the simulation.
Not Present In Any View
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Fraction of Time Spent Improving ((Hours/Week)/(Hours/Week) [0,1])
Time Spent Improving/Work Week
Description: The fraction of the workweek spent on improvement and capability development (vs. work effort).
Present in 1 view:
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Fraction of Time Spent Working ((Hours/Week)/(Hours/Week) [0,1])
Time Spent Working/Work Week
Description: The fraction of the workweek spent on work effort (vs improvement).
Present in 1 view:
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Fractional Change in Workforce (Dmnl [-1,1])
= 0
Description: An exogenous fractional change in the authorized Workforce,nrepresenting the impact of budget cuts in the workforce.NOTE: THIS PARAMETER CAN BE EXOGENOUSLY VARIED FROM -1 TO +1 IN INCREMENTS OF 0.1
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Authorized Workforce - Authorized workforce can be increased or decreased by a certain amount at time zero, or follow a linear ramp with slope "Ramp in workforce".ADDITIONAL NOTE: FINAL TIME OF RAMP, T=6, BUT SIMULATION STOPS AT T=5.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil

Hiring (Persons/Year [0,?])
= MAX(0,
Attrition+Adjustment for Workforce)
Description: Since the lower bound of this function is restricted to zero, it indicates that labours can not be fired and the only way to lose labors is by attrition.Hiring replaces the workforce who leave and adjusts the workforce towards the target level.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Attrition - Workers stay with the firm for a period given by the average duration of employment; the attrition profile is a third order Erlang lag.This is the rate at which workers leave the firm.NOTE: ERLANG DISTRIBUTION IS A FORM OF GAMMA DISTRIBUTION, THE ERLANG LAG IS THE TIME THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES TO REACH THE PEAK.
  • Workforce - The size of the workforce at a given point in time. Hiring increases the population of the workforce and attrition decreases the number of labors working for the firm. Note: Labor has been renamed as Workforce for better representation.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Increase in Time Spent Improving (Hours/Week)
= -1*
Increase in Time Spent Working
Description: If additional time is allocated to working harder (as an exogenous test), the time allocated to working smarter falls by the same amount. This is becuase Time is a limited resource.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Change in Required Improvement Effort - The time spent on capability development and improvement increases in proportion to the output shortfall, with a gain determined by the sensitivity of improvement to output. The increase falls as the time spent improving approaches the maximum workweek. In addition, the time for improvement can increase exogenously by a certain amount at time zero as a test input (determined by the pulse function).
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Increase in Time Spent Working (Hours/Week [-10,10])
= 0
Description: The magnitude of the exogenous increase in work effort, occuring at time zero.NOTE: THE INCREASE IN TIME SPENT WORKING CAN EXOGENOUSLY VARIED FROM -10 HOURS/WEEK TO 10 HOURS/WEEK IN INCREMENTS OF 1 HOUR/WEEK.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Change in Time Spent Working - The amount of time spent working on average changes in proportion to the output shortfall. Positive shortfalls lead to an increase in hours per person spent working (vs. improvement and capability development); a negative shortfall (more output than required) leads to a reduction of hours spent working. The time spent working cannot rise above the maximum workweek, so the rate of increase falls to zero as the time spent working approaches the maximum. In addition, the time spent working can increase by a fixed amount at time zero (the Increase in Time Spent Working), using the pulse function.
  • Increase in Time Spent Improving - If additional time is allocated to working harder (as an exogenous test), the time allocated to working smarter falls by the same amount. This is becuase Time is a limited resource.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Initial Capabilities (Dmnl [0,10])
= 1
Description: The initial level of capability.Capability can refer to the extent to which a task can be done.Capability for a specific task can be defined by the user depending on the nature of the task.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Capabilities - The capabilities of the organization are a stock, increased by improvement effort and investment in capability development,and decreased as capabilities erode.
  • Productivity of Improvement Effort - The productivity of improvement effort is the increase in capabilities per person-hour of improvement effort. It is set so that the simulations begin in equilibrium, with the time spent on improvement given by the standard workweek less the initial time spent working, and with the increase in capabilities offsetting capability erosion.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Initial Required Output (Units/Week [0,?])
= 100
Description: The initial value for required output. 100 can be thought of as an index value (100% of the initial level of required output).
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Reference Productivity - The initial value of productivity. Set to initialize the model in equilibrium.
  • Required Output - The required level of output. Set by the user; begins at the reference value, and can be increased by a certain amount, or follow a linear ramp with a user-determined slope.NOTE: FINAL TIME OF RAMP IS T= 6, SIMULATION STOPS @ T=5.
Default Control #22
= -1
Description: The initial time for the simulation.
Not Present In Any View
Used by:
  • Time - Internally defined simulation time.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Initial Workforce (Persons [0,500])
= 100
Description: The size of the initial workforce at t=0
Present in 2 views:
Used by:
  • Attrition - Workers stay with the firm for a period given by the average duration of employment; the attrition profile is a third order Erlang lag.This is the rate at which workers leave the firm.NOTE: ERLANG DISTRIBUTION IS A FORM OF GAMMA DISTRIBUTION, THE ERLANG LAG IS THE TIME THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES TO REACH THE PEAK.
  • Authorized Workforce - Authorized workforce can be increased or decreased by a certain amount at time zero, or follow a linear ramp with slope "Ramp in workforce".ADDITIONAL NOTE: FINAL TIME OF RAMP, T=6, BUT SIMULATION STOPS AT T=5.
  • Productivity of Improvement Effort - The productivity of improvement effort is the increase in capabilities per person-hour of improvement effort. It is set so that the simulations begin in equilibrium, with the time spent on improvement given by the standard workweek less the initial time spent working, and with the increase in capabilities offsetting capability erosion.
  • Reference Productivity - The initial value of productivity. Set to initialize the model in equilibrium.
  • Workforce - The size of the workforce at a given point in time. Hiring increases the population of the workforce and attrition decreases the number of labors working for the firm. Note: Labor has been renamed as Workforce for better representation.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Maximum Capabilities (Dmnl)
= 10
Description: The maximum level of capabilities, determined by the user.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Capability Increase - Capabilities increase as the result of effort applied to improvement effort and capability development. Improvement is determined by the product of the labor force, the average time per person per week spent on improvement and the productivity of improvement effort. Improvement slows, however, as capabilities approach their maximum value.
  • Productivity of Improvement Effort - The productivity of improvement effort is the increase in capabilities per person-hour of improvement effort. It is set so that the simulations begin in equilibrium, with the time spent on improvement given by the standard workweek less the initial time spent working, and with the increase in capabilities offsetting capability erosion.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Maximum Workweek (Hours/Week [40,100])
= 70
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Change in Required Improvement Effort - The time spent on capability development and improvement increases in proportion to the output shortfall, with a gain determined by the sensitivity of improvement to output. The increase falls as the time spent improving approaches the maximum workweek. In addition, the time for improvement can increase exogenously by a certain amount at time zero as a test input (determined by the pulse function).
  • Change in Time Spent Working - The amount of time spent working on average changes in proportion to the output shortfall. Positive shortfalls lead to an increase in hours per person spent working (vs. improvement and capability development); a negative shortfall (more output than required) leads to a reduction of hours spent working. The time spent working cannot rise above the maximum workweek, so the rate of increase falls to zero as the time spent working approaches the maximum. In addition, the time spent working can increase by a fixed amount at time zero (the Increase in Time Spent Working), using the pulse function.
  • Time Spent Improving - The time spent on capability development and improvement is given by the required improvement effort or the time available for improvmeent, whichever is less.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Output (Units/Week [0,?])
Workforce*Time Spent Working*Productivity
Description: Actual output is the product of the labor force, work hours per week spent on work effort (vs. improvement), and productivity.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Output Shortfall - The gap between required and actual output, as a fraction of required output.
  • Rate of output - Number of products produced per week
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Output Shortfall (Units/Units)
= (
Required Output-Output)/Required Output
Description: The gap between required and actual output, as a fraction of required output.
Present in 2 views: Used by:
  • Change in Required Improvement Effort - The time spent on capability development and improvement increases in proportion to the output shortfall, with a gain determined by the sensitivity of improvement to output. The increase falls as the time spent improving approaches the maximum workweek. In addition, the time for improvement can increase exogenously by a certain amount at time zero as a test input (determined by the pulse function).
  • Change in Time Spent Working - The amount of time spent working on average changes in proportion to the output shortfall. Positive shortfalls lead to an increase in hours per person spent working (vs. improvement and capability development); a negative shortfall (more output than required) leads to a reduction of hours spent working. The time spent working cannot rise above the maximum workweek, so the rate of increase falls to zero as the time spent working approaches the maximum. In addition, the time spent working can increase by a fixed amount at time zero (the Increase in Time Spent Working), using the pulse function.
  • Required Workforce - Required workforce increases with the output shortfall. The sensitivity of workforce to the shortfall determines how many people are sought in response to a given output gap. Required workforce will also increase to provide resources to boost capabilities, according to the Sensitivity of workforce to Capabilities.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Productivity (Units/(Hours*Person))
Reference Productivity*Capabilities
Description: For simplicity, productivity (units of output per person-hour of work effort) is proportional to organizational capabilities. Reference productivity is set to initialize the model in equilibrium.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Output - Actual output is the product of the labor force, work hours per week spent on work effort (vs. improvement), and productivity.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Productivity of Improvement Effort ((1/(Person*Hours/Week))/Year [0,0.01])
Initial Capabilities*Average Capability Loss Rate*(Maximum Capabilities/(Maximum Capabilities-1))/(Initial Workforce*Standard Workweek*(1-Reference Fraction of Effort to Output)))
Description: The productivity of improvement effort is the increase in capabilities per person-hour of improvement effort. It is set so that the simulations begin in equilibrium, with the time spent on improvement given by the standard workweek less the initial time spent working, and with the increase in capabilities offsetting capability erosion.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Capability Increase - Capabilities increase as the result of effort applied to improvement effort and capability development. Improvement is determined by the product of the labor force, the average time per person per week spent on improvement and the productivity of improvement effort. Improvement slows, however, as capabilities approach their maximum value.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Ramp in Required Output (Units/Week/Year [0,50])
= 0
Description: The slope of a linear ramp in required output, in units per year/year added to the initial required output rate.NOTE: RAMP IN REQUIRED OUTPUT CAN BE VARIED FROM 0 UNITS/WEEK/YEAR TO 50 UNITS/WEEK/YEAR IN INCREMENTS OF 1 UNIT/WEEK/YEAR.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Required Output - The required level of output. Set by the user; begins at the reference value, and can be increased by a certain amount, or follow a linear ramp with a user-determined slope.NOTE: FINAL TIME OF RAMP IS T= 6, SIMULATION STOPS @ T=5.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Ramp in Workforce (1/Year [-0.5,0.5])
= 0
Description: The slope of a linear ramp in authorized workforce, as a fraction of the initial workforce.Exogenous Parameter.NOTE: RAMP IN WORKFORCE CAN BE VARIED FROM -0.5/YEAR TO 0.5/YEAR HOURS/WEEK IN INCREMENTS OF 0.05/YEAR.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Authorized Workforce - Authorized workforce can be increased or decreased by a certain amount at time zero, or follow a linear ramp with slope "Ramp in workforce".ADDITIONAL NOTE: FINAL TIME OF RAMP, T=6, BUT SIMULATION STOPS AT T=5.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Rate of output (Units/Week)
Description: Number of products produced per week
Present in 1 view: Used by:
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Reference Fraction of Effort to Output ((Hours/Week)/(Hours/Week) [0,1])
= 0.8
Description: The initial fraction of the workweek devoted to output. The remainder is devoted to improvement and investment in capabilities.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Productivity of Improvement Effort - The productivity of improvement effort is the increase in capabilities per person-hour of improvement effort. It is set so that the simulations begin in equilibrium, with the time spent on improvement given by the standard workweek less the initial time spent working, and with the increase in capabilities offsetting capability erosion.
  • Reference Productivity - The initial value of productivity. Set to initialize the model in equilibrium.
  • Required Improvement Effort - The number of hours per person per week needed to improve capabilities, based on the cumulative response to the output shortfall. Actual improvement hours per week depend on the time available after work effort is accounted for.
  • Time Spent Working - The average number of hours each worker spends each week producing (vs. improvement effort).
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Reference Productivity (Units/(Hours*Person))
Initial Required Output/(Initial Workforce*Reference Fraction of Effort to Output*Standard Workweek))
Description: The initial value of productivity. Set to initialize the model in equilibrium.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Productivity - For simplicity, productivity (units of output per person-hour of work effort) is proportional to organizational capabilities. Reference productivity is set to initialize the model in equilibrium.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Required Improvement Effort (Hours/Week)
Change in Required Improvement Effort dt + [Standard Workweek*(1-Reference Fraction of Effort to Output)]
Description: The number of hours per person per week needed to improve capabilities, based on the cumulative response to the output shortfall. Actual improvement hours per week depend on the time available after work effort is accounted for.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Time Spent Improving - The time spent on capability development and improvement is given by the required improvement effort or the time available for improvmeent, whichever is less.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Required Output (Units/Week)
Initial Required Output*(1+STEP(Step In required Output, 0))+RAMP(Ramp in Required Output, 0 , 6)
Description: The required level of output. Set by the user; begins at the reference value, and can be increased by a certain amount, or follow a linear ramp with a user-determined slope.NOTE: FINAL TIME OF RAMP IS T= 6, SIMULATION STOPS @ T=5.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Output Shortfall - The gap between required and actual output, as a fraction of required output.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Required Workforce (Persons)
Workforce*(1+Output Shortfall*Sensitivity of Workforce to Output Shortfall+Sensitivity of Workforce to Capabilities)
Description: Required workforce increases with the output shortfall. The sensitivity of workforce to the shortfall determines how many people are sought in response to a given output gap. Required workforce will also increase to provide resources to boost capabilities, according to the Sensitivity of workforce to Capabilities.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Target Workforce - The target used to determine hiring is the required number of workers given the output shortfall or the authorized number (based on budget or other consideration), whichever is less.
Default Control #38
SAVEPER (Year [0,?])
Description: The frequency with which output is stored.
Not Present In Any View
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Sensitivity of Improvement Effort to Output Shortfall (1/Year [0,1])
= 0
Description: The larger the sensitivity, the more responsive improvement effort will be to the output shorftall. The default value is zero.ExogenousNOTE: THE VALUE OF THIS SENSITIVITY PARAMETER CAN BE VARIED FROM 0 TO 1 WITH INCREMENTS OF 0.1
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Change in Required Improvement Effort - The time spent on capability development and improvement increases in proportion to the output shortfall, with a gain determined by the sensitivity of improvement to output. The increase falls as the time spent improving approaches the maximum workweek. In addition, the time for improvement can increase exogenously by a certain amount at time zero as a test input (determined by the pulse function).
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Sensitivity of Work Effort to Output Shortfall (1/Year [0,10])
= 0
Description: The larger the sensitivity, the more responsive work effort will be to the output shortfall. The default value is zero.NOTE: THE VALUE OF THIS SENSITIVITY PARAMETER CAN BE VARIED FROM 0 TO 10 WITH INCREMENTS OF 0.25
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Change in Time Spent Working - The amount of time spent working on average changes in proportion to the output shortfall. Positive shortfalls lead to an increase in hours per person spent working (vs. improvement and capability development); a negative shortfall (more output than required) leads to a reduction of hours spent working. The time spent working cannot rise above the maximum workweek, so the rate of increase falls to zero as the time spent working approaches the maximum. In addition, the time spent working can increase by a fixed amount at time zero (the Increase in Time Spent Working), using the pulse function.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Sensitivity of Workforce to Capabilities (Dmnl [-1,1])
= 0
Description: When this function is positive, it prompts the firm to hire more workforce to combat the capability shortfall even if there is no output shortfall. The larger the value of the funtion, the more responsive the hiring for a given value of capability shortfall.Exogenous.The default value of 0 indicates that hiring is totally insensitive to capability shortfall.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Required Workforce - Required workforce increases with the output shortfall. The sensitivity of workforce to the shortfall determines how many people are sought in response to a given output gap. Required workforce will also increase to provide resources to boost capabilities, according to the Sensitivity of workforce to Capabilities.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Sensitivity of Workforce to Output Shortfall (Dmnl [0,1])
= 0
Description: As output shortfal increases, this function increases the need for a larger workforce.When the value of this parameter is greater than zero, it causes the firm to increase the size of its workforceto dectrease the output shortput. Unless it is constrained by authourized WF, actual work force will increase.ExogenousGreater the value of thois function, the greater the responsiveness to a given output gap
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Required Workforce - Required workforce increases with the output shortfall. The sensitivity of workforce to the shortfall determines how many people are sought in response to a given output gap. Required workforce will also increase to provide resources to boost capabilities, according to the Sensitivity of workforce to Capabilities.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Standard Workweek (Hours/Week)
= 40
Description: The average number of working hours per week. (The Normal Workweek)
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Productivity of Improvement Effort - The productivity of improvement effort is the increase in capabilities per person-hour of improvement effort. It is set so that the simulations begin in equilibrium, with the time spent on improvement given by the standard workweek less the initial time spent working, and with the increase in capabilities offsetting capability erosion.
  • Reference Productivity - The initial value of productivity. Set to initialize the model in equilibrium.
  • Required Improvement Effort - The number of hours per person per week needed to improve capabilities, based on the cumulative response to the output shortfall. Actual improvement hours per week depend on the time available after work effort is accounted for.
  • Time Spent Working - The average number of hours each worker spends each week producing (vs. improvement effort).
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Step In required Output (Dmnl [0,2])
= 0
Description: The fractional step increase in required output. Set by the user.NOTE: THIS PARAMETER CAN BE VARIED FROM 0 TO 2 WITH INCREMENTS OF 0.1
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Required Output - The required level of output. Set by the user; begins at the reference value, and can be increased by a certain amount, or follow a linear ramp with a user-determined slope.NOTE: FINAL TIME OF RAMP IS T= 6, SIMULATION STOPS @ T=5.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Target Workforce (Persons)
= MIN(
Authorized Workforce, Required Workforce )
Description: The target used to determine hiring is the required number of workers given the output shortfall or the authorized number (based on budget or other consideration), whichever is less.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Adjustment for Workforce - Labor is constantly adjusted to meet the demand or Target. This Variable determines how quickly the size of actual workforce reaches the targeted workforce size.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Time Spent Improving (Hours/Week)
= MAX(0, MIN(
Maximum Workweek-Time Spent Working, Required Improvement Effort ) )
Description: The time spent on capability development and improvement is given by the required improvement effort or the time available for improvmeent, whichever is less.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Capability Increase - Capabilities increase as the result of effort applied to improvement effort and capability development. Improvement is determined by the product of the labor force, the average time per person per week spent on improvement and the productivity of improvement effort. Improvement slows, however, as capabilities approach their maximum value.
  • Change in Required Improvement Effort - The time spent on capability development and improvement increases in proportion to the output shortfall, with a gain determined by the sensitivity of improvement to output. The increase falls as the time spent improving approaches the maximum workweek. In addition, the time for improvement can increase exogenously by a certain amount at time zero as a test input (determined by the pulse function).
  • Fraction of Time Spent Improving - The fraction of the workweek spent on improvement and capability development (vs. work effort).
  • Work Week - The total workweek is the sum of the time spent working and time spent improving.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Time Spent Working (Hours/Week)
Change in Time Spent Working dt + [Standard Workweek*Reference Fraction of Effort to Output]
Description: The average number of hours each worker spends each week producing (vs. improvement effort).
Present in 1 view: Used by:
  • Change in Time Spent Working - The amount of time spent working on average changes in proportion to the output shortfall. Positive shortfalls lead to an increase in hours per person spent working (vs. improvement and capability development); a negative shortfall (more output than required) leads to a reduction of hours spent working. The time spent working cannot rise above the maximum workweek, so the rate of increase falls to zero as the time spent working approaches the maximum. In addition, the time spent working can increase by a fixed amount at time zero (the Increase in Time Spent Working), using the pulse function.
  • Fraction of Time Spent Working - The fraction of the workweek spent on work effort (vs improvement).
  • Output - Actual output is the product of the labor force, work hours per week spent on work effort (vs. improvement), and productivity.
  • Time Spent Improving - The time spent on capability development and improvement is given by the required improvement effort or the time available for improvmeent, whichever is less.
  • Work Week - The total workweek is the sum of the time spent working and time spent improving.
Default Control #48
TIME STEP (Year [0,?])
= 0.015625
Description: The time step for the simulation.
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Change in Required Improvement Effort - The time spent on capability development and improvement increases in proportion to the output shortfall, with a gain determined by the sensitivity of improvement to output. The increase falls as the time spent improving approaches the maximum workweek. In addition, the time for improvement can increase exogenously by a certain amount at time zero as a test input (determined by the pulse function).
  • Change in Time Spent Working - The amount of time spent working on average changes in proportion to the output shortfall. Positive shortfalls lead to an increase in hours per person spent working (vs. improvement and capability development); a negative shortfall (more output than required) leads to a reduction of hours spent working. The time spent working cannot rise above the maximum workweek, so the rate of increase falls to zero as the time spent working approaches the maximum. In addition, the time spent working can increase by a fixed amount at time zero (the Increase in Time Spent Working), using the pulse function.
  • SAVEPER - The frequency with which output is stored.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Time to Change Workforce (Year [0,2])
= 0
Description: The time at which the change in authourised workforce occours
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Authorized Workforce - Authorized workforce can be increased or decreased by a certain amount at time zero, or follow a linear ramp with slope "Ramp in workforce".ADDITIONAL NOTE: FINAL TIME OF RAMP, T=6, BUT SIMULATION STOPS AT T=5.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Work Week (Hours/Week)
Time Spent Working+Time Spent Improving
Description: The total workweek is the sum of the time spent working and time spent improving.
Present in 1 view: Used by:
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Workforce (Persons)
Hiring-Attrition dt + [Initial Workforce]
Description: The size of the workforce at a given point in time. Hiring increases the population of the workforce and attrition decreases the number of labors working for the firm. Note: Labor has been renamed as Workforce for better representation.
Present in 2 views: Used by:
  • Adjustment for Workforce - Labor is constantly adjusted to meet the demand or Target. This Variable determines how quickly the size of actual workforce reaches the targeted workforce size.
  • Capability Increase - Capabilities increase as the result of effort applied to improvement effort and capability development. Improvement is determined by the product of the labor force, the average time per person per week spent on improvement and the productivity of improvement effort. Improvement slows, however, as capabilities approach their maximum value.
  • Output - Actual output is the product of the labor force, work hours per week spent on work effort (vs. improvement), and productivity.
  • Required Workforce - Required workforce increases with the output shortfall. The sensitivity of workforce to the shortfall determines how many people are sought in response to a given output gap. Required workforce will also increase to provide resources to boost capabilities, according to the Sensitivity of workforce to Capabilities.
Default CAPTrap-Akhil
Workforce Adjustment Time (Years [0,?])
= 0.25
Description: Average Time over which firm seeks to close the gap between target and actual workforce
Present in 1 view:
Used by:
  • Adjustment for Workforce - Labor is constantly adjusted to meet the demand or Target. This Variable determines how quickly the size of actual workforce reaches the targeted workforce size.

List of 5 Variables Using MIN or MAX Functions

Undocumented Variable (5)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Authorized Workforce (Persons)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil L Cumulative Output (Units*Year/Week [0,?])
Default CAPTrap-Akhil F,A Hiring (Persons/Year [0,?])
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Target Workforce (Persons)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Time Spent Improving (Hours/Week)

List of 26 Variables Without Predefined Min or Max Values

Undocumented Variable (26)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Adjustment for Workforce (Persons/Year)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil DE,F Attrition (Persons/Year)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Authorized Workforce (Persons)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil C Average Capability Loss Rate (1/Year)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil L Capabilities (Dmnl)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil DE,F Capability Decrease (1/Year)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil F,A Capability Increase (1/Year)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil F,A Change in Required Improvement Effort (Hours/(Year*Week))
Default CAPTrap-Akhil F,A Change in Time Spent Working (Hours/Week/Year)
Default Control C FINAL TIME (Year)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Increase in Time Spent Improving (Hours/Week)
Default Control C INITIAL TIME (Year)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil C Maximum Capabilities (Dmnl)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Output Shortfall (Units/Units)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Productivity (Units/(Hours*Person))
Default CAPTrap-Akhil LI,A Rate of output (Units/Week)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil I Reference Productivity (Units/(Hours*Person))
Default CAPTrap-Akhil L Required Improvement Effort (Hours/Week)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Required Output (Units/Week)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Required Workforce (Persons)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil LI,C Standard Workweek (Hours/Week)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Target Workforce (Persons)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Time Spent Improving (Hours/Week)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil L Time Spent Working (Hours/Week)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Work Week (Hours/Week)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil L Workforce (Persons)

List of 4 Variables with "Step", "Pulse", or related functions.

Variable (4)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Authorized Workforce (Persons)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil F,A Change in Required Improvement Effort (Hours/(Year*Week))
Default CAPTrap-Akhil F,A Change in Time Spent Working (Hours/Week/Year)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Required Output (Units/Week)

Formulation Complexity Summary (Violations of Richardson's Rule)

Complexity Score
Default CAPTrap-Akhil DE,F Capability Decrease (1/Year)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Authorized Workforce (Persons)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil I Reference Productivity (Units/(Hours*Person))
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Required Workforce (Persons)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil F,A Capability Increase (1/Year)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil F,A Change in Time Spent Working (Hours/Week/Year)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil F,A Change in Required Improvement Effort (Hours/(Year*Week))
Default CAPTrap-Akhil I Productivity of Improvement Effort ((1/(Person*Hours/Week))/Year [0,0.01])

List of 2 Equations with Embedded Data (0 and 1 constants ignored)

Variable (2)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Authorized Workforce (Persons)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Required Output (Units/Week)

List of 7 State Variables

Default CAPTrap-Akhil DE,F Attrition (Persons/Year)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil L Capabilities (Dmnl)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil DE,F Capability Decrease (1/Year)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil L Cumulative Output (Units*Year/Week [0,?])
Default CAPTrap-Akhil L Required Improvement Effort (Hours/Week)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil L Time Spent Working (Hours/Week)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil L Workforce (Persons)

List of 3 Unused Variables

Unused Variable (3)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil L Cumulative Output (Units*Year/Week [0,?])
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Fraction of Time Spent Improving ((Hours/Week)/(Hours/Week) [0,1])
Default CAPTrap-Akhil A Fraction of Time Spent Working ((Hours/Week)/(Hours/Week) [0,1])

List of 2 Views and Their 52 Variables

Total: 17 50 :Total
Adjustment for Workforce (in 1 view) X   Adjustment for Workforce (in 1 view)
Attrition (in 1 view) X   Attrition (in 1 view)
Authorized Workforce (in 1 view) X   Authorized Workforce (in 1 view)
Average Capability Loss Rate (in 1 view)   X Average Capability Loss Rate (in 1 view)
Average Duration of Employment (in 1 view) X   Average Duration of Employment (in 1 view)
Capabilities (in 1 view)   X Capabilities (in 1 view)
Capability Decrease (in 1 view)   X Capability Decrease (in 1 view)
Capability Delay Order (in 1 view)   X Capability Delay Order (in 1 view)
Capability Increase (in 1 view)   X Capability Increase (in 1 view)
Change in Required Improvement Effort (in 1 view)   X Change in Required Improvement Effort (in 1 view)
Change in Time Spent Working (in 1 view)   X Change in Time Spent Working (in 1 view)
Cumulative Output (in 1 view)   X Cumulative Output (in 1 view)
FINAL TIME (in 0 views)     FINAL TIME (in 0 views)
Fraction of Time Spent Improving (in 1 view)   X Fraction of Time Spent Improving (in 1 view)
Fraction of Time Spent Working (in 1 view)   X Fraction of Time Spent Working (in 1 view)
Fractional Change in Workforce (in 1 view) X   Fractional Change in Workforce (in 1 view)
Hiring (in 1 view) X   Hiring (in 1 view)
Increase in Time Spent Improving (in 1 view)   X Increase in Time Spent Improving (in 1 view)
Increase in Time Spent Working (in 1 view)   X Increase in Time Spent Working (in 1 view)
Initial Capabilities (in 1 view)   X Initial Capabilities (in 1 view)
Initial Required Output (in 1 view)   X Initial Required Output (in 1 view)
INITIAL TIME (in 0 views)     INITIAL TIME (in 0 views)
Initial Workforce (in 2 views) X X Initial Workforce (in 2 views)
Maximum Capabilities (in 1 view)   X Maximum Capabilities (in 1 view)
Maximum Workweek (in 1 view)   X Maximum Workweek (in 1 view)
Output (in 1 view)   X Output (in 1 view)
Output Shortfall (in 2 views) X X Output Shortfall (in 2 views)
Productivity (in 1 view)   X Productivity (in 1 view)
Productivity of Improvement Effort (in 1 view)   X Productivity of Improvement Effort (in 1 view)
Ramp in Required Output (in 1 view)   X Ramp in Required Output (in 1 view)
Ramp in Workforce (in 1 view) X   Ramp in Workforce (in 1 view)
Rate of output (in 1 view)   X Rate of output (in 1 view)
Reference Fraction of Effort to Output (in 1 view)   X Reference Fraction of Effort to Output (in 1 view)
Reference Productivity (in 1 view)   X Reference Productivity (in 1 view)
Required Improvement Effort (in 1 view)   X Required Improvement Effort (in 1 view)
Required Output (in 1 view)   X Required Output (in 1 view)
Required Workforce (in 1 view) X   Required Workforce (in 1 view)
SAVEPER (in 0 views)     SAVEPER (in 0 views)
Sensitivity of Improvement Effort to Output Shortfall (in 1 view)   X Sensitivity of Improvement Effort to Output Shortfall (in 1 view)
Sensitivity of Work Effort to Output Shortfall (in 1 view)   X Sensitivity of Work Effort to Output Shortfall (in 1 view)
Sensitivity of Workforce to Capabilities (in 1 view) X   Sensitivity of Workforce to Capabilities (in 1 view)
Sensitivity of Workforce to Output Shortfall (in 1 view) X   Sensitivity of Workforce to Output Shortfall (in 1 view)
Standard Workweek (in 1 view)   X Standard Workweek (in 1 view)
Step In required Output (in 1 view)   X Step In required Output (in 1 view)
Target Workforce (in 1 view) X   Target Workforce (in 1 view)
Time Spent Improving (in 1 view)   X Time Spent Improving (in 1 view)
Time Spent Working (in 1 view)   X Time Spent Working (in 1 view)
TIME STEP (in 1 view)   X TIME STEP (in 1 view)
Time to Change Workforce (in 1 view) X   Time to Change Workforce (in 1 view)
Work Week (in 1 view)   X Work Week (in 1 view)
Workforce (in 2 views) X X Workforce (in 2 views)
Workforce Adjustment Time (in 1 view) X   Workforce Adjustment Time (in 1 view)
Total: 17 50 :Total

* Includes Time, if used in a view. Excludes variables not present in any view.

Level Structure †

Capabilities = Capability Increase-Capability Decrease dt + [Initial Capabilities]
Initial Capabilities = 1
    Capability Decrease = DELAY N(Capability Increase,1/Average Capability Loss Rate,Capabilities*Average Capability Loss Rate,Capability Delay Order)
    Capability Increase = Workforce*Time Spent Improving*Productivity of Improvement Effort*(Maximum Capabilities-Capabilities)/Maximum Capabilities

Cumulative Output = MAX(0,Rate of output) dt + [0]
    Rate of output = Output

Required Improvement Effort = Change in Required Improvement Effort dt + [Standard Workweek*(1-Reference Fraction of Effort to Output)]
Reference Fraction of Effort to Output = 0.8
Standard Workweek = 40
    Change in Required Improvement Effort = Time Spent Improving*Sensitivity of Improvement Effort to Output Shortfall*Output Shortfall*(Maximum Workweek-Time Spent Improving)/Maximum Workweek+(Increase in Time Spent Improving/TIME STEP)*PULSE(0,TIME STEP)

Time Spent Working = Change in Time Spent Working dt + [Standard Workweek*Reference Fraction of Effort to Output]
    Change in Time Spent Working = Time Spent Working*Sensitivity of Work Effort to Output Shortfall*Output Shortfall*(Maximum Workweek-Time Spent Working)/Maximum Workweek+(Increase in Time Spent Working/TIME STEP)*PULSE( 0, TIME STEP )

Workforce = Hiring-Attrition dt + [Initial Workforce]
Initial Workforce = 100
    Attrition = DELAY3I( Hiring, Average Duration of Employment , Initial Workforce/Average Duration of Employment)
    Hiring = MAX(0,Attrition+Adjustment for Workforce)

†  Level Structure Report still under development.

List of 8 Equations with Dimensionless Units

Default CAPTrap-Akhil L Capabilities (Dmnl)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil C Capability Delay Order (Dmnl [1,6])
Default CAPTrap-Akhil C Fractional Change in Workforce (Dmnl [-1,1])
Default CAPTrap-Akhil LI,C Initial Capabilities (Dmnl [0,10])
Default CAPTrap-Akhil C Maximum Capabilities (Dmnl)
Default CAPTrap-Akhil C Sensitivity of Workforce to Capabilities (Dmnl [-1,1])
Default CAPTrap-Akhil C Sensitivity of Workforce to Output Shortfall (Dmnl [0,1])
Default CAPTrap-Akhil C Step In required Output (Dmnl [0,2])

Source file: CAPTrap-Akhil.mdl (23Oct2019 - 4:26:58 PM)
Report Created on 23-Oct-2019 - 4:27:28 PM
SDM-Doc Tool Version 5.0
Decision and Information Sciences Division
Argonne National Laboratory