Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Amaranthus, an annual plant from the Amaranth family.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Two color photographs of Blutaparon (also known as beach carpet), a perennial flowering plant from the Amaranth family found in brackish or salty soil along beaches or marshes.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      One color photograph of Froelichia gracilis (also known as slender snakecotton), an annual flowering plant from the Amaranth family found in the Texas Coastal Bend.
    • Lehman, Roy L. (Texas A & M University. Press, 2005)
      Three color photographs of Gomphrena nealleyi (also known as globe-amaranth), a perennial flowering plant from the Amaranth family found in swales, ditches, and other low places of the Texas Coastal Bend.