Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • Siler, Kenneth A
      The term “moral luck” is used to describe any instance of where a moral agent is appropriately praised or blamed for an event or its outcomes despite having no control over the preceding causes of either the event or its ...
    • Richter, Harrison Todd
      The sources utilized in this thesis each serve a particular function in relation to the theoretical framework. They are organized by the extent to which they contribute to the three dominant disciplinary approaches found ...
    • Steubing, Travis Lee
      In the year 2020, the United States of America was ravaged by the global COVID-19 pandemic. However, even in a pandemic, crimes are committed, and people are imprisoned. The severely overloaded court system was forced to ...
    • Goin, Adam S (2015-09-29)
      In his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle introduces the concept of virtue, states of character that allow an agent to perform her function well, and gives a practical account of how someone can become virtuous. I will argue ...
    • Martin, Tory Ann
      In this thesis, I will answer the question on whether one can forgive while punishing her wrongdoer. I will create an account of forgiveness and punishment which I find to be the most accurate in order to determine whether ...
    • Fossee, Jordan Michael (2013-09-24)
      This thesis will argue that, along with reason, emotions play a critical role in both moral and non-moral life. It is argued by Kantian moralists that a moral law can only based in reason, while Aristotelian moralists ...
    • Ryan, Ava (2020-04-29)
      Respect for patient autonomy is a fundamental principle of biomedical ethics. However, it holds relatively little weight in pediatric medicine, in which parents act as proxy decision-makers for their children. Challenges ...
    • Dunlap, Jordan P.
      Public Law 280 was a piece of legislation that dramatically altered the landscape of federal Indian jurisdiction. In order for its legal implications to be made clear, I will first define the general context of federal ...
    • Nash, Eric William
      Nature, to human beings, has been something to extract resources from. However, this purely economic approach to environmental policy has caused the best interests of nature to take a back seat to human gratification. Some ...
    • Devenzio, Morgan Christine
      Tort law falls under civil law; it focuses on two parties and what has occurred between them. A tort is a wrongful loss or an infringement of a right that results in a harm or an injury to the victim from the wrongdoer. ...
    • Gaucher, Sarah Marie
      There is no question that crime has immense ripple effects on communities all over the United States. Direct victims of crimes suffer immense consequences and often times are never able to fully seek justice for the ...