Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Gilreath, Mary Elizabeth (Texas A&M University. Libraries, 1985)
      Field and laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the biology, ecology, and population dynamics of the native cochineal insect Dactylopius confusus (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Dactylopiidae) and the insect's potential ...
    • Brooks, Jason Lee (Texas A&M University, 2006-08-16)
      Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations are irruptive along their western periphery. Previous research has failed to identify the factors associated with these irruptions, but precipitation is often assumed to ...
    • McFarland, Mark Lee (Texas A&M University. Libraries, 1988)
      Burial of spent drilling fluids used in petroleum and natural gas exploration was evaluated as an alternative disposal technique for reducing surface soil contamination in western Texas. Simulated reserve pits were constructed ...