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dc.creatorShepley, Mardelle McCuskey
dc.creatorRybkowski, Zofia
dc.creatorAliber, Jennifer
dc.creatorLange, Cathleen
dc.description.abstractAn evaluation is presented of the experience of patients, families and staff in two infusion suites. One infusion suite was a facility occupied until 2009 and the other suite was the replacement for that facility. The primary design objectives of the new facility were to support social interaction, provide opportunities for privacy and provide visual access to nature. The effectiveness of the new facility relative to the old facility with regard to these three design objectives served as the source of hypotheses for the study. Using a Likert-style survey and open-ended questions, the findings suggest that the new facility was successful at addressing these design goals. Subjects were also queried regarding whether these design objectives were important in an infusion suite. The vast majority of the respondents in the new facility indicated that social interaction, privacy and access nature were important in this setting.//Il est pre´sente´ une e´valuation de l’expe´rience ve´cue par les patients, les familles et les employe´s dans deux centres de perfusion. L’un des centres de perfusion e´tait un e´tablissement occupe´ jusqu’en 2009 et l’autre centre e´tait celui qui a remplace´ cet e´tablissement. Les principaux objectifs de conception du nouvel e´tablissement e´taient de favoriser l’interaction sociale, de fournir des possibilite´s de vie prive´e et d’assurer un acce`s visuel a` la nature. L’efficacite´ du nouvel e´tablissement par rapport a` l’ancien du point de vue de ces trois objectifs de conception a servi d’hypothe`se pour l’e´tude. Obtenus en utilisant une enqueˆte base´e sur l’e´chelle de Likert et des questions ouvertes, les re´sultats sugge`rent que le nouvel e´tablissement a re´ussi a` satisfaire a` ces objectifs de conception. Il a e´galement e´te´ demande´ aux sujets de l’e´tude si ces objectifs de conception avaient de l’importance dans un centre de perfusion. La grande majorite´ des personnes interroge´es dans le nouvel e´tablissement ont indique´ que l’interaction sociale, la vie prive´e et l’acce`s a` la nature e´taient des e´le´ments importants dans ce contexte.en
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universalen
dc.subjectcancer facility, facility evaluation, healthcare, infusion suite, post-occupancy, privacy, social interactionen
dc.titleAmbulatory infusion suite: pre- and post-occupancy evaluationen

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